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Ending Age-Related Diseases (EARD) 2021

Hear the latest developments from the leading experts in rejuvenation biotechnology research

19-Aug-2021 to 22-Aug-2021

This year, we are looking at the rejuvenation biotechnology industry as an ecosystem. We will be trying to identify the gaps in coordination and collaboration that can be filled by a concerted effort of the life extension community. We will be also paying special attention to the burden of neurodegenerative diseases along with innovative approaches to maintaining mental health and rejuvenating the aging brain.

In addition to bringing together the thought leaders of the rejuvenation biotechnology industry to foster scientific and business collaborations, we will provide interviews and panel discussions on related topics, such as the philosophy of life extension, the ethics of longevity journalism, and the relationship between rejuvenation biotechnology and blockchain technology. The conference will help you to deepen your understanding of what is going on in the aging research field.

The speakers at this conference are:

• Allison Duettmann

• Aubrey de Grey

• Eric Verdin

• Greg Fahy

• Ilmira Gilmutdinova

• Irina Conboy

• Jacob Kimmer

• Jay Sarkar

• Joao Pedro de Megalhaes

• Keith Comito

• Lorna Harries

• Michael Greve

• Michael Lustgarten

• Michael Snyder

• Oliver Medvedik

• Peter Fedichev

• Reason

• Sergey Young

• Steve Horvath

• Tobias Reichmuth

• Tyler Golato

• Vadim Gladyshev

Visit website:

See also (LEAF)

Supporting the development of biotechnologies focused on ending age-related diseases

Details last updated 27-May-2021

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Ending Age-Related Diseases (EARD) 2021 News

Summary of Eric Verdin presentation at End Age-Related Diseases 2021

Summary of Eric Verdin presentation at End Age-Related Diseases 2021

Live Forever Club - 21-Aug-2021

Discusses causes and prevention of NAD depletion with a focus on CD38 consumption

Summary of Irina Conboy presentation at End Age-Related Diseases 2021

Summary of Irina Conboy presentation at End Age-Related Diseases 2021

Live Forever Club - 20-Aug-2021

Very much looking forward to seeing published results on initial human pilot

Mentioned in this Resource

Aubrey de Grey

President and Chief Science Officer at Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation

Eric Verdin

CEO & President at Buck Institute for Research on Aging

Greg Fahy

World expert in organ cryopreservation, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-founder at Intervene Immune

Irina Conboy

Professor of Bioengineering at Berkeley University of California.

Jacob Kimmel

Computational Fellow, Data Science at Calico Life Sciences

João Pedro de Magalhães

Professor of Molecular Biogerontology at University of Birmingham Institute of Inflammation and Ageing, consultant, futurist, speaker

Keith Comito

President at Life Extension Advocacy Foundation.

Lorna Harries

Professor of Molecular Genetics at the University of Exeter

Michael Greve

Entrepreneur, tech investor, philanthropist, and founder of Forever Healthy

Michael Lustgarten

Scientist II at USDA Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging

Michael Snyder

Professor of Genetics and Chair at Stanford University

Oliver Medvedik

Director of The Maurice Kanbar Center for Biomedical Research and Vice President of LEAF.

Peter Fedichev

Founder of Gero and physicist in drug discovery land


CEO of Repair Technologies and founder of Fight Aging

Sergey Young

Author and Longevity investor and visionary.

Steve Horvath

Professor of Human Genetics & Biostatistics at UCLA

Tapash Jay Sarkar

Scientist at Stanford University, Co-Founder and Head Of Research at Turn Biotechnologies

Tobias Reichmuth

Founding Partner at Maximon - The Longevity Company Builder

Tyler Golato

Co-Founder and Chief Scientist at Molecule.

Vadim Gladyshev

Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School

Topics mentioned on this page:
Ageing Research