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Calorie Restriction

The only proven way of currently extending life expectancy in a variety of mammals is undernourishment (not malnourishment) but requires further study to see whether it has undesirable side effects.

Long lived species have less response to famine so, according to Aubrey de Grey, not likely to have a big impact in humans.

Laboratory mice primarily die from cancer, so any treatment that reduces cancer incidence is likely to have an impact on average lifespan even if not affecting the underlying ageing damage.

Calorie Restriction News

Burning calories linked to longer life in mice- could exercise be the key for humans too?

Burning calories linked to longer life in mice- could exercise be the key for humans too?

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) - 21-Jun-2024

Energy expenditure, not just eating less, lead to 20% longer life in mice

Calorie restriction initially speeds up, then slows down, biological ageing

Calorie restriction initially speeds up, then slows down, biological ageing

Live Forever Club - 20-May-2024

Clearly, eating less may not be a straightforward path to slowing ageing

Study reveals surprising telomere loss patterns in calorie restricted humans

Study reveals surprising telomere loss patterns in calorie restricted humans

Pennsylvania State University (PSU) - 17-Apr-2024

Complexities spark hope for health benefits beyond telomere length

Eating less activates the gene OXR1 which controls brain ageing and lifespan

Eating less activates the gene OXR1 which controls brain ageing and lifespan

Buck Institute - 11-Jan-2024

Research sheds light on the benefits of calorie restriction

More Calorie Restriction News

Calorie Restriction Resources

Click on resource name for more details.

CR Society International

Nonprofit organization focused on extending human longevity through calorie restriction

Michael Rae

Science Writer at SENS Research Foundation, Ex-Board Member of the Calorie Restriction Society

The CR Way: Using the Secrets of Calorie Restriction for a Longer, Healthier Life


A revolutionary diet that provides the body with fewer calories than is traditionally required written by Paul McGlothin

The Longevity Diet


A book written by Brian M. Delaney and Lisa Walford that explains in practical terms the concept of calorie restriction

Leonard P. Guarente on NAD, Sirtuins and Aging

Explains NAD+ synthesis is circadian, and how SIRT1 is critical in ISCs - 2016 Roy Walford lecture

More Calorie Restriction resources