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Greg Fahy

World expert in organ cryopreservation, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-founder at Intervene Immune

Greg Fahy is the world's foremost expert in organ cryopreservation by vitrification.

Fahy is also a well-known biogerontologist and is the originator and Editor-in-Chief of The Future of Aging: Pathways to Human Life Extension, a multi-authored book on the future of biogerontology.

He spoke at Ending Age-Related Diseases 2019, about his company’s Phase 1 human trials in which the thymus, a critical organ of the immune system, was regenerated.

Executive Director and Chief Scientific Officer at 21st Century Medicine.

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See also

Intervene Immune

Company focused on the age-related decline of the immune system, which is known as immunosenescence

Details last updated 22-Oct-2019

Greg Fahy News

Reason reports back from Rejuvenation Startup Summit 2024

Reason reports back from Rejuvenation Startup Summit 2024

Fight Aging! - 13-May-2024

A great summary of 25 speakers who are in various stages of platform building, drug discovery and clinical trials

Biological age reversed with growth hormone and diabetes drugs cocktail

Biological age reversed with growth hormone and diabetes drugs cocktail

Nature - 05-Sep-2019

Small, uncontrolled trial, but (potentially) very exciting results

Scheme for mind-uploading centuries in the future

Scheme for mind-uploading centuries in the future

Kurzweil Network - 14-Mar-2018

Brain’s connectome contains 150 trillion microscopic synaptic connections. Data could possibly b...

Rejuvenating the Thymus to Prevent Age-related Diseases

Rejuvenating the Thymus to Prevent Age-related Diseases (LEAF) - 04-Oct-2017

<p>Thymus gland produces the majority of body's T cells. </p><p>Thymus shrink with age making us...

Mentioned in this Resource

21st Century Medicine

Cryobiological research company.

Greg Fahy is also referenced in the following:

Alcor Conference 2022

03-Jun-2022 to 05-Jun-2022

Conference about cryonics and life extension organized by Alcor with David Chalmers and George Church as featured speakers

Citizens Science and Your Longevity


Online webinar about science and longevity organized by Coalition for Radical Life Extension moderated by Dr. Greg Fahy (FREE)

D.C. Summit 2025


The Second Annual Alliance for Longevity Initiatives summit (Washington, D.C., USA)

Dr. Greg Fahy: Thymus Regeneration & Boosting The Immune System For Longevity

Greg Fahy discusses thymus revitalization and immune enhancement for longevity

Ending Age-Related Diseases (EARD) 2021

19-Aug-2021 to 22-Aug-2021

Hear the latest developments from the leading experts in rejuvenation biotechnology research

Global Cryonics Summit


The Cryosphere bringing together the global cryonics community for talks, workshops, and networking (Miami, FL, USA)

Healthy Masters International Conference

05-Nov-2022 to 06-Nov-2022

Healthy Masters conference about living longer and healthier life

Healthy Masters International Conference 2023

11-Nov-2023 to 12-Nov-2023

Healthy Masters conference about living longer and healthier life

Longevity Summit Dublin 2022

18-Sep-2022 to 20-Sep-2022

Event gathering Global Longevity and Rejuvenation community in Dublin with many longevity movement superstars as speakers

Metabesity 2021

11-Oct-2021 to 14-Oct-2021

The Kitalys institute virtual conference targeting key questions that will impact the future of aging and extending healthspan

RAADfest 2020

02-Oct-2020 to 04-Oct-2020

The science of staying alive

RAADfest 2022

06-Oct-2022 to 09-Oct-2022

In person, in San Diego, CA. Organised by Coalition for Radical Life Extension.

RAADfest 2024

05-Sep-2024 to 08-Sep-2024

9th Annual RAAD Festival by Coalition for Radical Life Extension (Anaheim, CA, USA)

Rejuvenation Startup Summit 2024

10-May-2024 to 11-May-2024

The leading networking event for rejuvenation startups, longevity investors and translational researchers by Forever Healthy Foundation

Greg Fahy Creations

The Future of Aging


Book about pathways to human life extension edited by Gregory Fahy

Topics mentioned on this page:
Cryonics, Personal Health Record (PHR)