Ray Kurzweil brings his prediction of the technological singularity forward to 2029
Independent - 13-Mar-2024Also predicts a new era of hybrid humans and the potential to reverse aging within the next five years
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The singularity is defined by Ray Kurzweil as the time when technology is advancing so fast that humankind can no longer keep track of it. That is to say, the birth of a super-intelligent artificial intelligence.
It is considered an unavoidable consequence of the exponential growth in technology which by 2029 will see $1,000 of computing power being a thousand times more powerful than the human brain in the near future.
An intelligence explosion occurs when a seed AI becomes powerful enough to improve itself – which means not only is its power improving, but the thing that is improving its power is improving too, leading to a rapid, self-recursive, super-exponential increase in its intelligence.
Also predicts a new era of hybrid humans and the potential to reverse aging within the next five years
Adapted from his new book that discuses cybernetic immortality
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