Rapamycin improves lifespan in mice, damage repair needs updates
Live Forever Club - 01-Jan-2025Statistical analysis will clarify sex-specific differences and anomalies
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President and Chief Science Officer at Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation
Dr. Aubrey de Grey is internationally recognised as the visionary biomedical gerontologist who devised the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS): a comprehensive set of methods to rejuvenate the human body, thereby preventing age-related ill health and mortality. He has co-founded multiple non-profit organizations – including Methuselah Foundation, SENS Research Foundation, and LEV Foundation – to enable and accelerate its development and clinical translation.
He received his BA in Computer Science and Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Cambridge in 1985 and 2000, respectively. He is the author of The Mitochondrial Free Radical Theory of Aging (1999), Ending Aging (2007), and a large number of academic papers.
Visit website: https://www.sens.org/about-us/leadership/executive-team/
See also
Identifying genuinely effective treatments to prevent and reverse human age-related disease
Details last updated 24-Jun-2019
Statistical analysis will clarify sex-specific differences and anomalies
Support from Didier Coeurnelle enables groundbreaking longevity studies to advance
A quick introduction to the preventative maintenance approach, LEV Foundation and Robust Mouse Rejuvenation
Round 1 testing rapamycin, senolytic, HSCT & mTERT - could start seeing interesting results within 6 months
Most approaches have their limitations but good progress is being made on several fronts
Ask Me Anything hosted by Sergey Young, and Sourav Sinha
How should people interested in the future help society prepare for that sea-change transition in attitude?
19-Aug-2021 to 22-Aug-2021
Hear the latest developments from the leading experts in rejuvenation biotechnology research
25-Nov-2022 to 26-Nov-2022
Unique biennial online meeting of scientists working on the biology of ageing organized by Heales and International Longevity Alliance (FREE)
15-May-2023 to 16-May-2023
The conference by Sciinov Group tries to put together an exciting scientific programme focused on longevity
17-Apr-2023 to 19-Apr-2023
3-day health summit encouraging unique networking opportunities for industry professionals organized by The HEALinc
10-May-2021 to 14-May-2021
Online event about longevity and wellness organized by Longevity Leaders (LSX) with many speakers included.
05-Nov-2022 to 06-Nov-2022
Healthy Masters conference about living longer and healthier life
Identifying genuinely effective treatments to prevent and reverse human age-related disease
By Tina Woods - How artificial intelligence is helping us extend our healthspan and live better too
Online conference gathering longevity experts and investors at one place hosted by Marc P. Bernegger and Dr. Tobias Reichmuth
28-Sep-2022 to 30-Sep-2022
Conference gathering longevity experts and investors at one place hosted by Marc P. Bernegger and Dr. Tobias Reichmuth
04-May-2021 to 07-May-2021
The virtual event for leaders in longevity science, technology, business and finance organized by Longevity Leaders (LSX).
26-Mar-2023 to 27-Mar-2023
Conference Enhancing Research, Development and Education for Healthy Longevity organized by Vetek Association
18-Sep-2022 to 20-Sep-2022
Event gathering Global Longevity and Rejuvenation community in Dublin with many longevity movement superstars as speakers
24-Sep-2021 to 26-Sep-2021
Online event about longevity boosting with many speakers from the biotech, pharma and diagnostics and other fields
11-Oct-2021 to 14-Oct-2021
The Kitalys institute virtual conference targeting key questions that will impact the future of aging and extending healthspan
Bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research on rejuvenation and biogerontology.
08-Oct-2021 to 10-Oct-2021
World congress discussing on futurist concepts like longevity extension, artificial intelligence, human enhancement and other technologies with first humanoid robot speaker, Sophia, organized by HumanityPlus.
Key points and slides from the leading longevity conference hosted by Aubrey de Grey
Key points from 20 presentations from world-leading researchers
Great to see a startup willing to explicitly state they are treating ageing itself as a disease
The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime by Aubrey de Grey