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Live Forever Club

How to live long enough to live forever

Longevity, life extension, biological immortality, rejuvenation, living forever... whatever you want to call it, you're in the right place.

The Live Forever Club collates news articles, useful resources and lots of practical tips about living longer, healthier lives. All of the information is available to everyone - part of the club's philosophy of equality in longevity - with members getting unlimited access and some extra features (free and paid options available).

Explore what's going on in the longevity industry with nearly 5,000 curated news articles, over 11,000 resources (companies, people, products) and over 100 blog posts.

NO NONSENSE POLICY! The club tracks down the latest scientific research on the causes of ageing and effects on life expectancy, and also keeps you abreast of the wider impacts of life extension and the consequences for society when it arrives. We do our best to only include evidence-based approaches to longevity and wellness - no clickbait articles from us.

Want to live forever? Join the club! See the benefits of membership.

Find out more...

Explore the different areas of the site for news, resources and information a a wide variety of longevity topics:

Medical Technology - track the rapid advances in medicine and healthcare

Health - avoid the big killers to buy time until medical technology catches up

Augmentation - enhance your body with improved muscles, vision and direct brain interfacing

Life Extension - slow aging and rejuvenate your body with new cells and organs

Survival - even when biologically immortal you've still got to avoid dying from accidents or natural disasters

How To Live Forever - covers topics that will help you make lifestyle choices to improve your chances of living long enough to live forever

And the events calendar let you know about upcoming longevity events that you can attend such as Global Healthspan Summit (GHS) 2025 and Vitalist Bay.

To help us raise awareness of the progress in longevity and life extension, can you help us with a small donation? Find out how a donation of any size helps us reach the people who can demand change: Donation information


You find find related news on every page, but here are a few of our favourites:

  • While so many researchers and companies out there are trying to develop therapies that slow, stop and reverse ageing, this research by British Heart Foundation is a reminder of the simple things you can do today to help yourself.
  • The University of Saskatchewan (USask) has made another tiny step towards Ray Kurzweil's vision of millions of nanobots in our bloodstream monitoring our health and delivering the required therapeutics
  • Surprisingly, it only took a few hundred videos to train an AI model to perform suturing - including handling unexpected events such as a dropped needle
  • Frontier Bio has 3D printed lung tissue from stem cells. The result includes structures such as bronchioles and alveolar air sacs, and is able to mimic real lungs. As well as potential use in drug testing, the bioprinted tissue could replace parts of diseased lungs in humans - who knows, maybe eventually print entire replacement organs.

Have you signed the Dublin Longevity Declaration? Many world-leading scientists already have and are hoping to expand research on extending healthy human lifespans:

Recent book reviews

We read as many longevity books as possible and write quick reviews to help you decide whether they are for you.

Here's some recent books that we've read - click on the title to see a list of some of their key points:  

  • New Methuselahs by John K. Davis goes deep into the ethics of life extension, examining the impact on society and individuals, and takes a look at the moral implications of life extending therapies becoming available to society.
  • How Not to Age by Michael Greger is crammed full of information and is really a reference book as each topic delves into so much detail.
  • The Great Age Reboot by Dr Michael Roizen is a great introduction to ageing research, how it will impact healthcare and lifespans in future and what you can do today to take advantages of those advances. 
  • The Singularity Is NearerRay Kurzweil's long-awaited sequel that looks at the impacts of exponential growth in technology on society, health and mind-uploading.

Recent News

Google's parent company now permits AI use in weapons and surveillance

Google's parent company now permits AI use in weapons and surveillance

BBC - 05-Feb-2025

The company says it’s important for democracies to lead in using AI safely

Omega-3, vitamin D, and exercise slow biological ageing

Omega-3, vitamin D, and exercise slow biological ageing

Live Forever Club - 05-Feb-2025

Omega-3 had the most impact, but all three together worked best

AI takes on breast cancer: NHS launches landmark screening trial

AI takes on breast cancer: NHS launches landmark screening trial

BBC - 04-Feb-2025

AI-powered screenings could transform breast cancer diagnosis in the UK

Scientists create first humanized mice to study ageing

Scientists create first humanized mice to study ageing

Interesting Engineering - 04-Feb-2025

Human-like telomeres in mice unlock new ageing and cancer research

Latest Resources

Click on resource name for more details.

Jan Stritzke

Senior Consultant in Cardiology, General Internal Medicine, Prevention, Longevity and Medical Wellness

Harald Schmidt

Medical doctor, pharmacist, scientist, author, podcaster, speaker

Hanna Heikenwälder

Scientist and author

Angela Relogio

Professor for Systems Medicine at MSH Medical School Hamburg and CEO and founder at TimeTeller


Company aiming to synchronize the timing of medical treatment with an individual's biological rhythm

What Good is Death?


Why Nature has Arranged for us to Die, and What We Can Do About It written by Josh Mitteldorf

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