Antibodies might slow ageing by targeting inflammation and cells
Wired - 17-Dec-2024Scientists are hopeful about the potential of antibodies for anti-ageing therapies
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Scientists are hopeful about the potential of antibodies for anti-ageing therapies
Some think ageing starts at birth; others say it begins later, like during puberty
Mitochondrial dysfunction is most strongly linked to muscle decline
Recent study identified metabolites associated with age, longevity, and mortality
Explore how organ-specific ageing impacts health, lifespan, and staying youthful
Click on resource name for more details.
Longevity summit organised by Hevolution Foundation (Riyadh,Saudi Arabia)
Only scientific, evidence-based system for developing a personalized anti-aging, longevity protocol, written by Sandra Kaufmann
What consumer tests are available to check your hallmarks of ageing and how they're impacting your body?
The biology of ageing looks at way more than just the genome and microbiome - here's 20 to start with!
How the observation and understanding of smaller and smaller biological units has improved ageing research and medicine
Absolute numbers look good, but for the size and proximity of the venue, it could have done better
Key points and slides from the leading longevity conference hosted by Aubrey de Grey