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Life Expectancy

News and resources on current life expectancy - lets see how it changes over time

Congratulations - you've survived another year... unfortunately your risk of dying goes up another 9% next year, and every year after that - that's why at the moment you can't beat the exponential risk of death.

Definition: period life expectancy = how long a new-born would live if today's death rates did not change. They should improve over time therefore this is not a prediction of how long a child born today will live for.

REMEMBER: most improvement in life expectancy over the last century has been due to reduced child mortality and combatting infectious diseases, rather than tacking ageing itself. Here's an interesting quote from New Methuselahs: "between 1860 and 1960, life expectancy at birth in the United States increased by 31 years, but the life expectancy for an adult who reached the age of 60 increased by only 1 year during that century. In other words, a century ago, those who made it to 60 lived roughly as long as we do, but the odds of making it to 60 were much worse."

Life Expectancy News

Life expectancy divide: the stark north-south gap in the UK

Life expectancy divide: the stark north-south gap in the UK

Independent - 25-Mar-2025

Wealth and location are cutting years off lives in poorer areas

Moderate exercise linked to lower death risk, but too much offers no extra benefit

Moderate exercise linked to lower death risk, but too much offers no extra benefit

University of Jyväskylä - 12-Mar-2025

Following WHO exercise guidelines doesn’t guarantee a longer life

Why female doctors don’t live longer than their male peers

Why female doctors don’t live longer than their male peers

Time Magazine - 07-Mar-2025

Women outlive men—except in medicine, where unique challenges may erase the advantage

Healthier sperm, longer life: the hidden link

Healthier sperm, longer life: the hidden link

Sky News - 05-Mar-2025

A study finds that men with higher sperm motility have a greater life expectancy

More Life Expectancy News

Life Expectancy Resources

Click on resource name for more details.

Secrets of the World’s Healthiest Children: Why Japanese children have the longest, healthiest lives - and how yours can too


Behaviours and tips that will help any parent achieve the results they want, written by Naomi Moriyama

The Science of Living Longer


A Comprehensive Guide to longevity written by Dr Rer Nat Thomas Spaeter

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life


Internationally bestselling guide to the Japanese concept of ikigai - the happiness of always being busy

Deep Nutrition


Book about why your genes need traditional food written by Catherine Shanahan

The Blue Zones Kitchen


Book from the Blue Zone series with 100 Recipes to Live to 100 written by Dan Buettner

The Secret to Living to 100+? The Blue Zone [Infographic]

Secrets to Living Longer: What We Can Learn from Blue Zones

More Life Expectancy resources

Life Expectancy Blog Posts

Are Wimbledon champions really getting older?

Are Wimbledon champions really getting older?

Has this century seen extraordinarily long-lived Wimbledon champions, or are winners over 30 years of age the new normal?

If you stopped ageing today, how long would you live?

If you stopped ageing today, how long would you live?

Not as long as you might think. For radical life extension we need to reverse ageing.

Exponential Increase in Mortality and Diseases

Exponential Increase in Mortality and Diseases

The data and science behind the exponential growth in mortality with age

Can love defeat death?

Can love defeat death?

Health and life expectancy are affected by love, sex and marriage

More Life Expectancy blog posts