Tapash Jay Sarkar
Scientist at Stanford University, Co-Founder and Head Of Research at Turn Biotechnologies
Dr. Jay Sarkar is a Co-Founder for Turn Biotechnologies, a Stanford-born biotechnology company focused on multifaceted age-reversal via epigenetic reprogramming. He completed his Ph.D. at Stanford University and has an Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering background that helps him focus on studying aging and biology from an information science and dynamical systems perspective. His scientific work has shown that while aging is generally associated with tissue and organ dysfunction, these can be considered the emergent consequences of fundamental transitions in the cellular state of cellular physiology. These transitions have multiple manifestations at different levels of cellular architecture and function, but the central regulator of these transitions is the epigenome, the most upstream dynamic regulator of gene expression. Reproduction is the only general phenomenon in nature where the age of (parental) cells is truly reset – to produce an embryo and ultimately an age zero offspring.
Visit website: https://www.longevityworldforum.com/jay-sarkar/
See also: Turn Biotechnologies - Focused on restoring cells’ youthful vigor to repair damage caused by the aging process
Details last updated 28-Mar-2020
Tapash Jay Sarkar is also referenced in the following:
Ending Age-Related Diseases (EARD) 2021
19-Aug-2021 to 22-Aug-2021
Hear the latest developments from the leading experts in rejuvenation biotechnology research
Tapash Jay Sarkar News
Scientists reverse cellular ageing while maintaining cell's identity
New York Times - 24-Mar-2020
How long will it take until this can be applied to human cells inside the body?