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Space Colonization

Maybe if we want to live forever and still have children then this is the only way.

Space Colonization News

Mars mission and prolonged space travel could be bad for astronauts' kidneys

Mars mission and prolonged space travel could be bad for astronauts' kidneys

New Atlas - 13-Jun-2024

Possible factors of damage include radiation exposure and microgravity

Silicon Valley startup aims to extend human lifespan with mitochondrial transplants

Silicon Valley startup aims to extend human lifespan with mitochondrial transplants

Live Forever Club - 12-Apr-2024

Research aims to extend lifespan and unlock new levels of human health

Tiny robot performs simulated surgery on the space station

Tiny robot performs simulated surgery on the space station

Evening Standard - 14-Feb-2024

From war zones to Mars, this droid could be the future of healthcare in remote locations

Space travel throws a curveball at astronauts' guts, challenging their health

Space travel throws a curveball at astronauts' guts, challenging their health - 02-Feb-2024

Understanding the adaptation is crucial for protecting them on long missions

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Space Colonization Resources

Click on resource name for more details.

All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries)


1st book in Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells

The Moon: Resources, Future Development and Settlement


This book details how the Moon could be used as a springboard for Solar System exploration written by David G. Schrunk

Outer Space: Problems Of Law And Policy


Book about space colonization and Ameerican legal problems associated with activity in outer space written by Glenn H. Reynolds

Living in Space


Living in Space is a captivating study edited by Sherry Bell across a wide spectrum of the issues that humanity faces

How to Find a Habitable Planet


The amazing science behind the search for Earth-like planets written by James Kasting

Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100


Vision of the coming century based on interviews with over three hundred of the world's top scientists written by Michio Kaku

More Space Colonization resources

Space Colonization Blog Posts

Longevity and coping with an ever increasing population

Longevity and coping with an ever increasing population

Replace the defence budget with a space colonisation budget and everyone board can be shipped off planet

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