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Longevity Leaders World Congress 2021

The virtual event for leaders in longevity science, technology, business and finance organized by Longevity Leaders (LSX).

04-May-2021 to 07-May-2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown ageing and longevity into sharp public focus. It is now critical that we understand the biology of ageing to improve the underlying health of our populations, improve immune response and reduce disease. Financial wellbeing and security in later life urgently needs attention.

The care sector is in desperate need of innovation and support. And the way that we work and connect with one another has shifted dramatically and permanently, with significant implications for ageing populations.

The Longevity Leaders World Congress is the definitive global meeting with the mission of extending human health span, delivering healthy ageing and financial wellness in the context of longevity.

As three-conferences-in-one, it digs deeply into each facet while shared plenary and networking sessions provide opportunities for interdisciplinary exchange.

  1. Ageing Science
  2. Ageing Well
  3. Financing Longevity

Speakers at this congress are:

• Aubrey de Grey

• Claire Stewart

• Cynthia Bullock

• George MacGinnis

• Greg Bailey

• Jackie Marshall-Cyrus

• James Kirkland

• Janet Lord

• Joao Pedro de Magalhaes

• Jonathan Synett

• Karen Etkin

• Lorna Harries

• Lorraine Morley

• Marc Ramis-Castelltort

• Michael Zemel

• Natalia Novac

• Nir Barzilai

• Rachel Carey

• Reenie McCarthy

• Ronjon Nag

• Sarah Culkin

• Sergey Young

• Sibylle Jaeger

• Stephanie Manson-Brown

• Steven Braithwaite

 Thomas Rando

• Tom Hughes

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See also

Longevity Leaders (LSX)

Connecting senior life science executives with access to the capital, intelligence, innovation

Details last updated 04-Mar-2021

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Mentioned in this Resource

Aubrey de Grey

President and Chief Science Officer at Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation

Claire Stewart

Chair at the British Society For Research on Ageing.

Cynthia Bullock

Deputy Director of Healthy Ageing Challenge at Innovate UK.

George MacGinnis

Healthy Ageing Challenge Director at Innovate UK.

Gregory Bailey

CEO at Juvenescence and chairman of Portage Biotech

Jackie Marshall Cyrus

Visiting Lecturer and Module Leader at Birmingham City University and Founder and Director of Jackie’s Revolution CIC

James Kirkland

Researcher on different aging related diseases

Janet Lord

Professor of Immune Cell Biology at University of Birmingham.

João Pedro de Magalhães

Professor of Molecular Biogerontology at University of Birmingham Institute of Inflammation and Ageing, consultant, futurist, speaker

Jonathan Synett

Chief Investment Officer at NCL Technology Ventures

Keren Etkin

Gerontologist and a tech enthusiast.

Lorna Harries

Professor of Molecular Genetics at the University of Exeter

Lorraine Morley

AgeTech Accelerator UK Lead.

Marc Ramis-Castelltort

Co-Founder and CEO at Senolytic Therapeutics and Rejuveron.

Michael Zemel

Chief Scientific Officer and Founder at NuSirt Sciences.

Natalia Novac

Senior Director Emerging Technologies and Innovation at Eli Lilly and Company.

Nir Barzilai

Founding director of the Institute for Aging Research

Rachel Carey

Chief Scientist at Zinc.

Reenie McCarthy

CEO at Stealth BioTherapeutics.

Ronjon Nag

Managing Director and Founder at R42 Group

Topics mentioned on this page:
Ageing Research, Investments