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Live Longer with AI

By Tina Woods - How artificial intelligence is helping us extend our healthspan and live better too

Live Longer with AI examines how the latest cutting-edge developments are helping us to live longer, healthier and better too. It compels us to stop thinking that health is about treating disease and start regarding it as our greatest personal and societal asset to protect.

  • Discover how the latest cutting-edge developments in health and AI are helping us live longer, healthier, and better lives
  • Personalize your health, wealth and well-being using technology best suited to help you plan and build up your assets for a multi-stage life
  • Understand how we can live our best lives in a post-COVID-19 world and equip ourselves for the next pandemic using technology

Key Points

Chapter 1: Introduction

in Castilla-Rubio's view, biology will be the most valuable enterprise in the 21st century

eternal youth may soon move out of the realms of myth

potential of multimodal learning to develop predictive and preventative health strategies is colossal

the basic philosophy of Chinese medicine is that prevention of disease and maintenance of health is the main priority of doctors

AlphaFold can predict the innumerable ways in which various proteins fold by analyzing their amino acid sequences

enshrined by General Data Protection Regulation, EU citizens are the custodians of their data and can choose how and with whom to share

in Estoniaover 95% of the data generated by hospitals and doctors has been digitized,

IHAN is the "human" equivalent of the IBAN banking standard

UK set up the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation in 2018

INTERVIEW: Professor Baron Peter Piot

in Japan and Singapore, people wear a face mask to avoid infecting others

Chapter 2: Who We Are – And What Drives Us

today, most of the AIs we use are "narrow"

people invest in mobile phones, cars and holidays; but neglect their own health

more than 26 million consumers in the USA have added their DNA to four leading commercial ancestry and health databases

DNA tests cannot give you the full picture on your health trajectory

a digital biomarker is a quantifiable measure of a person's physiological and/ or behavioral state

George Church announced that more than 13,000 genetic alterations have been made to a single cell using CRISPR technology

INTERVIEW: Reverend Malcolm Brown from the Church of England

we're coming to maturity in our relationship to AI

we haven't escaped death, but we have forgotten how to talk about it

funerals have moved from a commendation of a soul forward, to a celebration looking back

INTERVIEW: Eddie Hall, World's Strongest Man

has an MSTN gene deficiency, as found in Belgian Blue cows, this breed that just has muscles on muscles on muscles

INTERVIEW: Aubrey de Grey, Chief Science Officer of SENS Research

we're not going to have a post-aging world for another 15 or 20 years at least

we need to actually figure out good ways to cope with a post-work world

we're going to have to give people a whole variety of different treatments, all at the same time

SRF prioritizes areas are being most neglected by the research community and by funders

we've been trying to put backup copies of the mitochondrial DNA into the nucleus

the amount of impact that one can have on one's own longevity with what exists today is certainly pretty limited

50/ 50 chance of getting to longevity escape velocity within the next 17 years or so

the only reason that people are so resistant to the argument is because they don't want to get their hopes up

INTERVIEW: Alex Zhavoronkov, Insilico Medicine

company uses computers to simulate how certain drugs will affect specific tissues

its deep learning system could create new unpatented molecules for a protein target implicated in fibrosis

Living longer is pretty much inevitable at this point

the boundaries between computer science and biotechnology are blurred

Governments aren't prepared for the silver wave

productive longevity will definitely result in unprecedented economic growth

really large corporations take a longer- term view than governments

Drugs to combat muscle wasting will probably be one of the first frontiers in our fight against aging

INTERVIEW: José Cordeiro, Futurist (vice chair of HumanityPlus)

we might actually be able to wire up our brains to a computer and upload our knowledge within the next 20 to 30 years

most of our memories, our ideas, our dreams, and our loves are electrochemical impulses in the brain

not just life extension but life expansion - sometimes called the exocortex

immortality is like infinity - it's hard to imagine and hard to prove or disprove

groups will oppose these developments, some because of religious reasons

think people want to live indefinitely so long as they can be young

With nanotechnology and AI, we might be talking about $ 1 per day of treatment;

now is certainly the worst time to die because we are so close to being basically immortal

INTERVIEW: Keith Comito,

living extraordinarily long and healthy lives is feasible

this isn't about extending a period of decrepitude

AI can be a vast boon, e.g. isolating findings that maybe humans have overlooked

MouseAge takes a picture of a mouse and knows how well it is biologically aging compared to its chronological

AgeMeter is a smartphone application that will measure various physiological biomarkers of aging like your reaction speed

you really need to bring the public along with you

I believe senolytics has the chance to foment a non-negligible increase in healthy lifespan

if we can age healthier as a society, that has to be a core tenet of any kind of universal healthcare

wouldn't you be a better steward of the earth if you believed that you and your family were going to be around in 500 years?

Chapter 3: Nature versus nurture and the exposome

life expectancy in the UK is lower than in several other European countries, including Italy, France, and Spain

New Zealand is the first western country to make well- being priorities

genetic differences account for more of the psychological disparities between us than everything else put together

we have individual biological patterns of aging — or an "ageotype"

INTERVIEW: Anastasia Georgievskaya,

wrinkles, especially around the corners of your eyes, are very accurate in predicting chronological age has devised a "photo clock" that can assess your age from a selfie

exposome consists of three overlapping domains

"gait speed" measured at age 45 is still regarded by most as the best predictor of how well you will age in the future

practically every person involved in longevity research does intermittent fasting

Hadza people typically get about two hours exercise daily, mostly from fast walking

Car makers have started developing heart monitoring technology

Smart technologies can enable dementia sufferers to live in their own homes for longer

INTERVIEW: Nir Barzilai, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

the medical costs in the last few years of life for somebody who dies over the age of 100 are a third of those for someone who dies when they're 70

Ageism is really big now; it's one of the biggest "isms" in the world

sales of Metformin from some generic companies have increased by 20% in the last year or two

in the next five years we'll get repurposed existing drugs

the 10-15 year scale is where things will get dramatically better

Rapamycin is not safe in humans yet

with AI and there's a danger of trusting the computer to give you a good answer when you've asked a poor question

our ability to absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K is dependent on the microbiome

doesn't believe in longevity escape velocity

INTERVIEW: Paul Dagum, Mindstrong Health

AI is essentially looking at a lot of data

sharp objective endpoints can assess the impact of a drug

UK program on the early detection of neurodegenerative diseases (EDoN) that is a global initiative developing digital fingerprints for dementia causing diseases

AI would be ideal for finding those patterns and identifying high-risk individuals

INTERVIEW: Thomas Balkizas, Alpha Tech Capital

on Thomas' radar for investments is connectivity

AI is there to support us and not replace us

more than 95% apps fail because they don't help people to make a behavioral change

governments and policy come in like a braking force

for a technology to be successful in the long term, you need to make sure that people trust it

INTERVIEW: Teemu Suna, Nightingale Health

we can measure health markers in your blood and connect them to your daily lifestyle

personalized advice based on the molecular make-up of your blood

Nightingale's technology measures over 200 metabolic biomarkers in a single blood test

uses nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology to analyze blood

AI will play a central role in providing people with the right information that helps them navigate their health

this idea of living to be 200 or living forever is a bit of science fiction

INTERVIEW: Nic Palmarini, National Innovation Centre for Ageing

We are the data that AI needs to become more intelligent and possibly help us live longer

We are in a transition from what is called "narrow AI" to "broader AI" systems

no one can scientifically make a serious promise about general AI today

AI must be able to show its reasoning

I envision a stock exchange of data with prices following market rules

trusted AI is not a slogan, but a commitment to be achieved

we could see the future from very different perspectives if life continues without an expiry date

antacids for our stomach were very expensive 30 years ago, and now you can buy them for few cents

think about ageism as a discrimination that has lethal effects on individuals

Chapter 4: Moving Sickcare to Well-being, Through Prevention

about one in three British adults is clinically obese

holistic view of noncommunicable diseases (NCD) is needed

far more well-being and health can now be gained by preventing illnesses than by treating them

APPGL National Strategy recommended increasing the budget the NHS spends on prevention from 5% to 15% by 2030

AI could monitor and analyze the "health of the community"

diagnostics is one of the best examples of an area where AI can help medicine

First Derm can screen 43 common skin diseases, from STDs to skin cancer using an AI algorithm

AI is being used to identify patients at risk of unplanned hospital admissions

AI is disrupting the drug discovery and development processes

medicine that is predictive, preventive, personalized, and participatory is called "P4 medicine"

data that is findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-usable (FAIR)

to collect data at scale we need to have public trust and data sharing structures that empower citizens

citizens donate their data for ethical research - "data philanthropy"

we need to move beyond data in healthcare, and study data from healthy people

the public are increasingly uneasy about Big Tech getting ever more involved in our lives, including health

INTERVIEW: Carol Routledge, Small Pharma

AI facilitates what we are all doing

in 15 to 20 years we will have a digital tool that detects diseases that cause dementia one to two decades earlier than we can now

we still don't absolutely know what triggers neurodegenerative diseases

genetic variants exist that affect the likelihood

higher cognitive reserve may be linked to a slower onset of dementia

INTERVIEW: Shafi Ahmed, Futurist

AI will make healthcare around the world more affordable, more accessible, and more equitable

AI will be the main disruptor of healthcare in the next 10- 20 years

AI will improve outcomes for every patient with data driven care that is both personalized and more precise

able to assimilate the information from millions of patients around the world


government have set up an Office of AI that sets the strategic direction for AI across the sectors

we need to focus on well-being and keeping healthy

£250 million AI fund was just announced for the NHS

I don't think there'll ever be a single intervention to cure aging

you could have an AI agent in the emergency room call out things that you might not consider

INTERVIEW: Michelle Hawkins-Collins, Aging-well activist

people need to understand that they're already living longer with AI

good governance is needed to reduce some of the fear around AI technology

We need a single interface but competition is precluding the collaboration

AI could help identify what will be the most effective behavioral change approach for a particular individual

government will play a key role in creating the conditions for AI development and diffusion

Deep learning identified air pollution as a key predictor of mortality

INTERVIEW: Sue Brayne, Author

I personally disagree with the pursuit of longevity alone or immortality

INTERVIEW: Bertalan Meskó, Medical Futurist Institute

it's physically impossible to know everything with 31 million medical papers out there

in Estonia, people aged 80 get a DNA report to prevent diseases from happening

we have been cultured into considering ourselves as passive components of healthcare

technology should not be the focus

the first person who will live until 130 is certainly alive right now

Chapter 5: Building up Assets for the 100- Year Life

a net household worth of £ 488,000 by the age of 50 adds nine years to your life

many people currently in their mid-40s are likely to need to work into their early to mid-70s

as we have been living longer, the years added to our lives have been in the middle, and not at the end

people potentially run out of pension savings some 8- 20 years before they die

Lemonade is a new type of insurer well known for its speed, issuing policies and paying claims in a matter of minutes using AI

health is 10 years behind the climate change agenda

with data, the more you share it, the more valuable it gets

hubs leveraging multimodal AI can be of significant commercial value

raising regulatory costs deters competitors and AI's lock-in loop benefits incumbents

corporate secrecy is a major barrier to social science research

MIT researchers trained a deep neural network to screen more than a hundred million chemical compounds in a matter of days, designed to pick out potential antibiotics that kill bacteria using different mechanisms than those of existing drugs

INTERVIEW: Sergey Young, Longevity Vision Fund

goal is to live to 200 and help others do the same

AI can diagnose certain types of cancer better than doctors alone

companies which use AI will have a disproportionate competitive advantage

first big impact will be that AI will help to make medicine more personalized

INTERVIEW: Dmitry Kaminskiy, Deep Knowledge Group

AI assistance will not only help us to optimize our lifestyles, but delay and prevent different issues with our health

the quantity of data that we can gather about people will increase exponentially

the efficiency of AI algorithms will also increase exponentially

INTERVIEW: Brian Kennedy, National University of Singapore

we're going to intervene and keep people healthy for longer in the very near future

a US hospital declined to give any money because success in this area was going to reduce its procedures by 60%

30% of people get cancer and we try to do something about that. 100% of people age, but we see that as something natural.

in animals we're using AI to optimize the dose of a drug or a supplement in each animal as it gets older

INTERVIEW: Nishikawa Kazumi, WEF Global Future Council on Longevity

AI and the IoT and big data analysis can help you to understand your health

all over the world 20% or 30% of people seem to be health geeks

there's a trend for companies to see health as an asset that you need to invest in

poor health decreases the Japanese GDP by 7%

lifestyle-related data is the key for success in healthcare

the number of elderly people in Japan working late in life is increasing

INTERVIEW: Siddhartha Chaturvedi, Microsoft

AI is a tool that amplifies other things you can do

AI's becoming much more accessible to domain experts - you don't have to be a developer

Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) could potentially understand what your baseline is

with InterpretML you can see which factors weigh on a particular outcome

Chapter 6: Conclusion

tackling obesity at a population level requires making the healthy choice the easy choice

living longer is linked to living greener

data is the richest renewable resource on earth

technology can help you - and sharing your data for the common good can help everyone else too

Book Amazon See also

Tina Woods

CEO and Co-Founder, Longevity International. Author of Live Longer with AI

Details last updated 18-Oct-2020

Mentioned in this Resource

Alex Zhavoronkov

CEO of InSilico Medicine & Deep Longevity. CSO of Biogerontology Research Foundation

Aubrey de Grey

President and Chief Science Officer at Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation

Bertalan Meskó

The Medical Futurist and the Director of The Medical Futurist Institute

Brian Kennedy

Prof of Biochemistry and Physiology at NUS, CSO Ponce De Leon Health

Carol Routledge

Director of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK.

Dmitry Kaminskiy

Managing partner at Deep Knowledge Ventures

José Cordeiro

Engineer, economist, futurist, and transhumanist

Keith Comito

President at Life Extension Advocacy Foundation.

Nic Palmarini

Director at UK's National Innovation Centre for Ageing

Nir Barzilai

Founding director of the Institute for Aging Research

Sergey Young

Author and Longevity investor and visionary.

Shafi Ahmed

Multi award winning cancer surgeon from the Royal College of Surgeons of England

Live Longer with AI is also referenced in the following:

ARDD 2021 - 8th Aging Research and Drug Discovery Meeting

31-Aug-2021 to 03-Sep-2021

Online event about latest progress in the molecular, cellular and organismal basis of aging organized by University of Copenhagen chaired by Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, Daniela Bakula and Alex Zhavoronkov, and with many speakers.

Topics mentioned on this page:
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Life Extension