Generous donations propel next phase of mouse rejuvenation research
LEV Foundation - 01-Oct-2024Support from Didier Coeurnelle enables groundbreaking longevity studies to advance
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Identifying genuinely effective treatments to prevent and reverse human age-related disease
Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation exists to proactively identify and address the most challenging obstacles on the path to the widespread availability of genuinely effective treatments to prevent and reverse human age-related disease.
LEVF is a non-profit organisation, currently a project of the Ichor Research Institute.
LEV Foundation's core team is dedicated to the task of identifying and resolving obstacles to the urgent development and clinical translation of damage-repair therapies for human age-related disease. Our work is supported by our Board of Directors, who bring extensive experience in organizational management and an unbreakable commitment to honor donor intent.
• Aubrey de Grey, President and CSO
• Caitlin Lewis
• Ben Zealley
• Maximus Peto
• Greg Grinberg, Executive Chair
• Daria Khaltourina, Board Member
• Martin O'Dea, Board Member and Events Director
• Gennady Stolyarov, Board Member
• David Wood, Board Member
• Pat Nicklin
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Details last updated 30-Oct-2022
Support from Didier Coeurnelle enables groundbreaking longevity studies to advance
Will look at combinations of partial cellular reprogramming, mesenchymal stem cells, serum albumin and deuterated fatty acids
A quick introduction to the preventative maintenance approach, LEV Foundation and Robust Mouse Rejuvenation
Round 1 testing rapamycin, senolytic, HSCT & mTERT - could start seeing interesting results within 6 months
Founding Member of International Longevity Alliance. Promoted aging as an ICD11 disease as WHO
Author, philosopher, composer, futurist, and actuary - known for Death is Wrong
Aubrey de Grey explores the path to longevity escape velocity
Facilitating faster development and implementation of life-extending technologies to ensure healthy longevity for all
Caitlin Lewis delivered a keynote providing an update on Robust Mouse Rejuvenation (RMR): Study 1
Key points and slides from the leading longevity conference hosted by Aubrey de Grey
13-Jun-2024 to 16-Jun-2024
Event gathering Global Longevity and Rejuvenation community in Dublin by LEV Foundation (Dublin, Ireland)
17-Aug-2023 to 20-Aug-2023
Club discount available - click here
Event gathering Global Longevity and Rejuvenation community in Dublin with many longevity movement superstars as speakers
18-Sep-2022 to 20-Sep-2022
Event gathering Global Longevity and Rejuvenation community in Dublin with many longevity movement superstars as speakers