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Young Blood Resources

Click on resource name for more details.

Harold Katcher

Professor at University of Maryland - working on rejuvenation blood factors

Irina Conboy

Professor of Bioengineering at Berkeley University of California.

Pig plasma to live longer?

The Sheekey Science Show looks at whether taking a part of blood (plasma) and injecting it into old animals is enough for rejuvenation

Aging and Blood - Irina Conboy presentation for SENS Research Foundation

Part of a series organized by SENS Research Foundation's Education Department

Yuvan Research

US arm of Harold Katcher's young plasma research

Sima, the 47 months-old Sprague Dawley rat — interview with Dr. Harold Katcher

Talks about Sima - the longest lived Sprague Dawley rat ever - and his E5 plasma-based therapeutic


Young blood medicine maker for body rejuvenation.


Offers young blood plasma transfers after running a trial in 2016-18


Working to invent novel therapies that will allow us live longer, healthier lives.

The Illusion of Knowledge


By Harold Katcher - the paradigm shift in aging research that shows the way to human rejuvenation

A Paradigm Shift in Aging Research?


Harold Katcher updates London Futurists on his research and talks about his theories of ageing