D.C. Summit 2025
The Second Annual Alliance for Longevity Initiatives summit (Washington, D.C., USA)
Alliance for Longevity Initiatives (A4LI) presents second annual D.C. Summit, the premier event bringing together leaders, advocates, and innovators from around the globe to advance legislative initiatives that promote a healthier human lifespan.
Why Attend?
- Learn from Experts: Gain insights and connect with leading scientists, researchers, and industry pioneers who are shaping the future of longevity.
- Congressional Advocacy: Lend your voice to influence policies that promote healthy aging and address age-related diseases.
- Network: Forge meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals and key stakeholders committed to advancing longevity science.
Speakers at this summit are:
- Alex Trapp
- Alexander McCobin
- Alexandra Bause
- Amy Entwistle
- Amy Kim
- Arjoon Srikanth
- Ashley Zehnder
- Aurora Griffin
- Bernard Siegel
- Bob Walker
- Bobby Brooke
- Breanna Deutsch
- Brenda Eap
- Carla Pareja Paris
- Chris Steele
- Christin Glorioso
- Christopher Bradley
- Dobri Kiprov
- Dylan V. Livingston
- Eric Morgen
- Eric Verdin
- Francisco LePort
- George Sutphin
- Greg Fahy
- Irina Conboy
- Jasmine Smith
- Jeffrey R. Gladden
- Jennifer Garrison
- Jeremy Elser
- Jessica Flanigan
- Joan Mannick
- Joe Betts-LaCroix
- Joe DeSantis
- John Guy
- John Mauldin
- Karl Pfleger
- Katerina Stroponiati
- Kris Barnes
- Kristen Fortney
- Leanne Jones
- Lee Nunley
- Louis Hawthorne
- Mac Davis
- Matt Kaeberlein
- Michael Ringel
- Mitchell Lee
- Niklas Anzinger
- Nir Barzilai
- Petr Sramek
- Raiany Rommani
- Reason
- Saksham Narang
- Sebastian Brunemeier
- Sharon Rosenzweig-Lipson
- Sofie Wei
- Sonia Arrison
- Steven Austad
- Thomas Zuber
- Todd White
- Vadim Gladyshev
- Vera Gorbunova
Visit website: https://a4li.org/dc-summit-2025/
See alsoThe Alliance for Longevity Initiatives (A4LI)
Non-profit organization focused on advancing legislation, policies and initiatives that aim to increase healthy human lifespan
Details last updated 19-Jan-2025
Interested in more events? View the club's event calendar.
Mentioned in this Resource
Greg Fahy
World expert in organ cryopreservation, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-founder at Intervene Immune
Joe Betts-LaCroix
American scientist and entrepreneur known for his discoveries in biophysics and for creating the world's smallest personal computer