RAADfest 2022
In person, in San Diego, CA. Organised by Coalition for Radical Life Extension.
06-Oct-2022 to 09-Oct-2022
- New Science.
- New Speakers.
- New Inspiration.
- New Connections.
Some of the speakers at this event:
- Ashish Tripathi
- Dr. Ben Goertzel
- Bernadeane
- Dr. Bill Andrews
- Dr. Elena Rusyn
- Dr. Greg Fahy
- James Strole
- Dr. Joe Cleaver
- Dr. Liz Parrish
- Naveen Jain
- Phil Newman
- Robert Lufkin
- William Faloon
Visit website: https://www.raadfest.com/#2022
See alsoCoalition for Radical Life Extension
US based not-for-profit organisation that promotes life extension and organises RAADfest
Details last updated 02-Feb-2022
Interested in more events? View the club's event calendar.
Mentioned in this Resource
Co-founder of People Unlimited and member of the Board of Directors of the Coalition for Radical Life Extension
Greg Fahy
World expert in organ cryopreservation, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-founder at Intervene Immune
James Strole
Co-founder and Co-director of People Unlimited, and the Director of the Coalition for Radical Life Extension
Joseph Cleaver
Medical Advisory Board at HEMOTEK LLC and founder of Paradigm Wellness Medical Group.
William (Bill) H. Andrews
American molecular biologist, gerontologist, founder and president of Sierra Sciences.