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Book Highlights

Nowadays, there are so many good longevity books around, how do you make time to read them? Or decide which ones to put on your reading list to start with?

Luckily, when Adrian (the club's founder) reads a book, he highlights key sentences as he goes along, and lists them with the book's details on the website - sometimes with a mini-review too.

Here's a list of books which have (typically) 101 key points ready for your review - maybe that's all you want from the book, or maybe it will whet your appetite to read it all. Either way, enjoy!

New Methuselahs by John K. Davis

The book goes deep into the ethics of life extension, examining the impact on society and individuals, and takes a look at the moral implications of life extending therapies becoming available to society.

New Methuselahs book

How Not to Age by Michael Greger

Although written like a popular science style healthy lifestyle book, it is crammed full of information. So full that he had to put the 995 pages of citations online!

How Not to Age book

The Great Age Reboot by Michael Roizen

This is a great book that provides an introduction to ageing research, how it will impact healthcare and lifespans in future and what you can do today to take advantages of those advances.

The Great Age Reboot book

The Singularity is Nearer by Ray Kurzweil

There is a lot of fascinating information showing how technology has been growing exponentially for thousands of years (long, long before Moore's Law was ever dreamt up) and how it impacts many aspects of society.

The Singularity is Nearer book

Why We Die by Venki Ramakrishnan

The Nobel Prize-winning author gives a brief and interesting history to each subject area, to help the reader understand where today's knowledge comes from, before providing a more detailed discussion of our current questions and challenges.

Why We Die book

This Book May Save Your Life by Karan Rajan

A light-hearted introduction to how the body works, including plenty of random facts that probably aren't in school text books.

This Book May Save Your Life book

The Longevity Imperative by Andrew Scott

This is a very useful prompt to start considering what impact longer lives will have on us financially, and therefore how our careers and retirement planning could change.

The Longevity Imperative book

The Future Is Faster Than You Think by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler

This book examines how converging technologies are transforming business, industries, and our lives and it portrays a realistic outlook on what our world might look like in the not-so-distant future.

The Future Is Faster Than You Think book

The Longevity Code by Kris Verburgh

Although the book’s blurb mentions future technologies, most of the contents is the usual diet and lifestyle information - backed up by proper research - which, to be fair, is still the best approach for those with time to wait.

The Longevity Code book

Outlive by Peter Attia

By longevity (or what he has rebranding as outliving) Peter Attia means in the sense of living longer and living better - as in being in the top 10% of lifespans, not living longer than anyone who has lived before.

Outlive book

The Secret Body by Daniel M. Davis

Author in this book guides the reader through some of the mind-blowing aspects of biology without going into all the complicated details just to show off his academic prowess. So a great introduction to human biology as well as including some fascination facts.

The Secret Body book

The Age of Scientific Wellness by Leroy Hood and Nathan Price

It’s an interesting history and possible future of precision medicine, describing their hands-on experiences and how they say the field developing.

The Age of Scientific Wellness book

The Song of the Cell by Siddhartha Mukherjee

This book covers the history of the discovery of the cell and how it has transformed medicine.

The Song of the Cell book

The Death of Death by Jose Cordeiro and David Wood

Initially written in Spanish, this edition is fully updated with the latest scientific progress towards physical Immortality as well as a solid moral defence of why we should all be working towards this goal.

The Death of Death book

The Case Against Death by Ingemar Patrick Linden

It provides many counter arguments to the, often, immediate and irrational defence of death, which will need to be highlighted regularly to persuade the general public that even if the cure for ageing has not yet arrived it is still worth supporting.

The Case Against Death book

Deep Medicine by Eric Topol

AI may have moved on significantly in 3 years since it was written, but there are still plenty of fascinating insights in his book.

Deep Medicine book

Ageless by Andrew Steele

The author is a strong advocate for curing ageing and is passionate about the cause. In the book he explains what is happening as we age and practical ways we can help slow down the process.

Ageless book

Scythe by Neal Shusterman

A well-woven thriller set in a post-singularity, immortal future - where overpopulation is prevented by human culling. It touches on a few of the concerns about radical life extension, such as boredom and the meaning of life, and how a superintelligence (the Thunderhead) would manage the world efficiently and without human arrogance or self-interest.

Scythe book

Methuselah's Zoo by Steven N. Austad

This book examines long-lived animal species—from thousand-year-old tubeworms to 400-year-old sharks—and what they might teach us about human health and longevity.

Methuselah's Zoo book

Replacing Aging by Jean Hebert

Author outlines how aging will soon be reversible as a result of the advances in regenerative medicine.

Replacing Aging book

This Book Could Save Your Life by Graham Lawton

From stress to saturated fats, HIIT to HRT, veganism to vitamins, this book debunks the fads and explores the real science of better health.

This Book Could Save Your Life book

Live Longer with AI by Tina Woods

Tina Woods has interviewed a wide range interesting people involved in the fields of AI, healthcare and longevity – including Alex Zhavoronkov, José Cordeiro, Keith Comito, Anastasia Georgievskaya, Shafi Ahmed and Bertalan Meskó.

Live Longer with AI book


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The Biopolitics of Human Enhancement


The Politics of Human Enhancement, 1, written by James Hughes

The Science of Living Longer


A Comprehensive Guide to longevity written by Dr Rer Nat Thomas Spaeter

The Future Loves You


Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston writing about that we'll one day be able to abolish death

Longevity Guidebook


A guide How to Slow, Stop, and Reverse Aging and NOT Die from Something Stupid, written by Peter Diamandis

Grave Talk


A bitter sweet comedy about dealing with loss, and what comes next, written by nick Spalding

2040: A Silicon Valley Satire


Satiric book about AI written by Pedro Domingos

The Singularity Is Nearer


Ray Kurzweil explores how technology will refashion the human race in the decades to come

Nothing to Fear


Demystifying Death to Live More Fully, written by Julie McFadden

The Laws of Connection


The Scientific Secrets of Building a Strong Social Network, a book written by David Robson

Grown Woman Talk


Your Guide to Getting and Staying Healthy, written by Sharon Malone

Why We Die


The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality, a book written by Venki Ramakrishnan

The Longevity Imperative


How to Build a Healthier and More Productive Society to Support Our Longer Lives, written by Andrew Scott

Aging: How Aging Works


Book about aging and its processes edited by Michael Fossel



Second Edition: Geroscience as the New Public Health Frontier, book edited by James Kirkland

This Book May Save Your Life


Everyday Health Hacks to Worry Less and Live Better, a book written by Karan Rajan

How Not to Age


Book by Dr. Michael Greger unveils evidence-based science to slow the effects of ageing

How We Age: The Science of Longevity


Book written by Coleen Murphy about recent breakthroughs in longevity research offer clues about human aging

A City on Mars


Book about the space settlement movement and the ideas within written by Kelly and Zach Weinersmith

Forever Strong


A New, Science-Based Strategy for Aging Well written by Dr Gabrielle Lyon



Bryan Johnson catalogs the social and philosophical strategies necessary for the fight

The Death of Death


Book about ageing and death written by José Luis Cordeiro and David Wood

Old Boys


The newest comedy book written by Nick Spalding

The Age of Scientific Wellness


Why the Future of Medicine Is Personalized, Predictive, Data-Rich, and in Your Hands, written by Leroy Hood and Nathan Price

Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity


Book about longer and healthier life written by Peter Attia

We Are Electric


Inside the 200-Year Hunt for Our Body's Bioelectric Code, and What the Future Holds, written by Sally Adee

Young Forever


Book about the secrets to living your longest, healthiest life written by Mark Hyman

The Miracle of Aging and Longevity


The Energy Roadmap to Transition and Embrace Midlife for Women and Men, written by Maria Ian

The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human


Story of how scientists discovered cells, written by Siddhartha Mukherjee, an Indian-born American physician and oncologist

A Silent Fire: The Story of Inflammation, Diet, and Disease


A riveting investigation of inflammation written by gastroenterologist Shilpa Ravella

The Great Age Reboot


A book about cracking the longevity code for a younger tomorrow, written by Michael Roizen