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How Not to Age

Book by Dr. Michael Greger unveils evidence-based science to slow the effects of ageing

In "How Not to Age," Dr. Michael Greger explores evidence-based strategies for combating aging through simple lifestyle changes and dietary adjustments. Drawing from over 13,000 citations of peer-reviewed anti-aging research, Greger dismantles the traditional approach to aging, presenting eleven pathways in our cells that can be disrupted to promote longevity. Inspired by the practices of centenarians and those in 'blue zone' regions, the book offers practical, cost-effective methods to enhance bodily functions, such as boosting autophagy with spermidine-rich foods and addressing senescent cells with quercetin. Greger's guide provides accessible insights into achieving both physical and mental youthfulness, making ultimate longevity attainable for everyone.

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See also: Health Professional Michael Greger - American physician, author and professional speaker on public health issues

Details last updated 07-Dec-2023

How Not to Age News

Why current cholesterol standards may not be enough for optimal heart health

Fortune - 05-Dec-2023

Even those with "normal" levels can have harmful plaque buildup in the arteries