Generous donations propel next phase of mouse rejuvenation research
LEV Foundation - 01-Oct-2024Support from Didier Coeurnelle enables groundbreaking longevity studies to advance
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Director of Project Pipeline & Strategy as LEV Foundation
Caitlin received her B.S. in Molecular Biology from San Jose State University in 2016, with minors in chemistry and business. During her undergraduate career she conducted research investigating the regulatory relationships between transcriptional co-activators and transcription factors common to developmental and oncogenic pathways. Caitlin is specifically interested in personalized medicine and targeted molecular therapeutics.
Previously a Research Associate at SENS Research Foundation. As a member of the MitoSENS team, her work included the allotopic expression of mitochondrial genes for restoration of normal respiratory chain function.
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See also
Identifying genuinely effective treatments to prevent and reverse human age-related disease
Details last updated 11-Mar-2020
Support from Didier Coeurnelle enables groundbreaking longevity studies to advance
Identifying genuinely effective treatments to prevent and reverse human age-related disease
13-Jun-2024 to 16-Jun-2024
Event gathering Global Longevity and Rejuvenation community in Dublin by LEV Foundation (Dublin, Ireland)
Caitlin Lewis delivered a keynote providing an update on Robust Mouse Rejuvenation (RMR): Study 1