DeepLife secures $10M for AI-driven healthcare innovation using digital twins
Longevity Technology - 17-Dec-2024This breakthrough combines large biological datasets and advanced AI tools
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This breakthrough combines large biological datasets and advanced AI tools
This identifies potential flaws early, reduces animal testing, and accelerates development
Dataset may hold valuable insights to unlock neurological mysteries
This powerful AI could transform how we approach disease research
Technology offers a glimpse into the future of personalised cancer care
Novel molecules enhance bone regeneration in mice by 50%, paving the way for treatments for bone fractures and related conditions
Female model allows health professionals have a better perspective on women's health
Virtual cancer tumours can be grown and we can design personalised nanoparticles to treat them
AI-powered software can be an alternative for expensive and extensive lab work
Virtual clinical trial can reduce the cost and time required while reducing risk
Benefit to explore how the cell map differs in people with mental illness
Transcriptomic aging clock: providing insight into the changes involved in aging
Computer models to predict disease prognosis, health care needs, and fight future pandemics
Molecular simulations have discovered an enzyme with anti ageing and anti tumour effects
It's a long way to go to having an effect in humans in vivo, but an interesting approach
Risk prediction and best therapy for a specific patient is a future possibility
Only represents a tiny amount of brain, but will eventually be more powerful than humans
Allows researchers to better understand tumour structure and examine it from any angle
International team completely revamped the structure of a popular simulation algorithm.
Virtual yeast cell model can learn from real-world behaviors.
This comprehensive map of human cells will revolutionise medicine
Multiscale computer model incorporates data from physics, chemistry and biology.
Atlas will be a comprehensive collection of reference maps of the human body.
Uses a 3D representation of every artery that is 1mm across or wider.
Visible Human Project photographed 5000 slices of a cadaver.