Cryonics Resources
The Live Forever Club collates details of as many people, organisation and things regarding Cryonics. Click through on any resource below to discover more about it.
Cryonics Creations
Storing dead people at -196°C
- Tom Scott takes his camera to visit Tomorrow Bio's cryopreservation facility
The Future Loves You
- Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston writing about that we'll one day be able to abolish death
The Prospect of Immortality
- Robert Ettinger implicates the possibility that the means for freezing and resuscitating human beings may one day be perfected
Cryonics Events
Cryonics demonstration and training
- Demonstration of cryopreservation procedures by Cryonics UK (FREE, London, UK)
Cryonics demonstration and training
- Demonstration of cryopreservation procedures by Cryonics UK
Cryonics demonstration and training
- Demonstration of cryopreservation procedures by Cryonics UK
Cryonics UK training
- Demonstration of cryopreservation procedures by Cryonics UK (FREE, London, UK)
Cryonics UK Training
- Demonstration of cryopreservation procedures by Cryonics UK
Cryonics UK Training & Meet Up
- Demonstration of cryopreservation procedures by Cryonics UK (Sheffield, UK)
Cryonics UK Training and Meet Up
- Demonstration of cryopreservation procedures by Cryonics UK
Cryonics webinar
- Max More, Emil Kendziorra, Peter Tsolakides speak at this Madrid Singularity hosted by Jose Cordeiro
Global Cryonics Summit
- The Cryosphere bringing together the global cryonics community for talks, workshops, and networking (Miami, FL, USA)
Cryonics People
Cryonics Company Representatives
Emil Kendziorra
- Doctor. Entrepreneur. Revolutionized Medicine. Chairman Of The Board at EBF
Greg Fahy
- World expert in organ cryopreservation, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-founder at Intervene Immune
Tim Gibson
- Head of Cyronics UK
Cryonics Organisations
Cryonics UK
- Non-profit organisation which provides assistance to those who wish for their body to be cryopreserved
Minnesota Cryonics Rapid Response (MCRR)
- A non-profit organization dedicated to providing cryonics stabilization
Cryonics Companies
- World leader in cryonics
Biostasis Technologies
- Largest independent website about cryonics and emerging human biostasis technologies
CRYO Science
- World-class equipment innovator and solution provider for all Cryogenic applications
Cryonics Association of Australasia (CAA)
- Self-regulatory authority for cryonics in Australasia
Forever Labs
- Adult stem cell storage and banking company.
- First and only cryonics company in Eurasia
Southern Cryonics
- Cryonics organisation, New South Wales
Tomorrow Bio
- Founded by doctors, engineers, and entrepreneurs to further biostasis science and provide a high quality cryopreservation
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