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TransVision Madrid 2024

World longevity congress organised by José Luis Cordeiro (Madrid, Spain, FREE)


October 1st is the anniversary of International Longevity Day, which was chosen in 2013 to coincide with the International Day of Older Persons, declared by the United Nations in 1990. According to the European Union, Spain is the country with the highest life expectancy within the union, and Madrid is also the national capital with the highest life expectancy in the region. This confirms that Madrid is the European capital of longevity and to enhance this reality it is necessary to continue improving the quality of life, medical services, investments and research for the radical extension of life.

Madrid will become the meeting point for this futuristic celebration, where different groups from all over the world will meet to connect and work together closely.

Speakers at this congress are:

  • Alejandro Ocampo
  • Ángel Niño Quesada
  • Antonio Ayala
  • Aubrey de Grey
  • Bryan Johnson
  • Carlos Díez-Ruza
  • Daniel Ferrer Cid
  • Débora Nuevo Ejeda
  • Eduardo Díaz-Rubio
  • Enrique Samper
  • Ignacio Para
  • José Luis Cordeiro
  • Juan Carlos Méndez
  • María Blasco
  • Marius Robles
  • Natalie Coles
  • Pedro Baños Bajo
  • Pedro Guillén
  • Ramón Tamames Gómez
  • William Faloon

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Details last updated 23-Sep-2024

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Mentioned in this Resource

Alejandro Ocampo

Assistant Professor at University of Lausanne

Aubrey de Grey

President and Chief Science Officer at Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation

Bryan Johnson

Founder and CEO of Kernel and Blueprint

Enrique Samper

Chief Business and Transformation Officer at Life Length specializing in Biomedical Sciences

José Cordeiro

Engineer, economist, futurist, and transhumanist

Maria Blasco

Director of Spanish National Cancer Research Centre.

Marius Robles

Serial Entrepreneur, Senior Advisor, Speaker, Futurist, Health Tech, Co-founder at Youngr - Exponential Life

William Bill Faloon

Director and co-founder of the Life Extension Foundation

TransVision Madrid 2024 News

TransVision Madrid 2024: pioneering longevity in Europe

Longevity Technology - 20-Sep-2024

Madrid becomes Europe's hub for advancing life extension and healthy ageing

Topics mentioned on this page:
Life Extension, Rejuvenation