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TransVision Madrid 2024: pioneering longevity in Europe

Madrid becomes Europe's hub for advancing life extension and healthy ageing


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Madrid is set to become Europe's longevity capital, hosting its first International Longevity Summit, TransVision Madrid 2024, on October 1st, coinciding with International Longevity Day. Spain, known for its long life expectancy, and Madrid, the EU's most long-lived capital, will welcome nearly 500 experts to discuss life extension, anti-ageing, and cutting-edge biomedical advancements.

The summit will feature renowned speakers like Aubrey de Grey and Natalie Coles, alongside Spanish experts such as María Blasco, covering innovations in ageing and rejuvenation research. With support from various global institutions, the event aims to position Madrid as a “Blue Zone” — a region known for exceptional longevity.

Key activities include the reading of the Madrid Declaration for Longevity, a symbolic march for longevity, and the premiere of Longevity Hackers, a documentary featuring top longevity pioneers. The summit highlights Madrid’s commitment to leading the global conversation on life extension and healthy ageing.

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TransVision Madrid 2024


World longevity congress organised by José Luis Cordeiro (Madrid, Spain, FREE)

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Life Extension, Rejuvenation
TransVision Madrid 2024: pioneering longevity in Europe