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The New York Times

News provider covering business, tech, science, health, sports and many other fields

The New York Times is the most powerful engine for independent, boots-on-the-ground and deeply reported journalism. We set the standard for the most ambitious and innovative storytelling across features, news and investigations. Because we’re journalists, we’re excited to report the news as quickly as possible, use new technological resources to uncover the truth, and unearth new cultural phenomenons with our critics. The internet didn’t plant these ideas in our heads. We’ve always been this way.  It's all the news that's fit to watch.

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Details last updated 04-Feb-2019

The New York Times News

FDA gives the green light for human trials against a new coronavirus therapy

FDA gives the green light for human trials against a new coronavirus therapy

WebMD - 03-Apr-2020

May cause serious adverse effects if stem cells over attack normal lung cells

The New York Times is also referenced in the following:

Emily Waltz

Science journalist and contributing editor at IEEE Spectrum

People at The New York Times

Christie Aschwanden

Journalist and editor for The New York Times, Runner’s World, and Bicycling

Carl Zimmer

New York Times columnist and book author

Gina Kolata

Medical reporter at New York Times

Donald G. McNeil Jr.

Science and health journalist for the New York Times