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LongeviQuest (LQ)

Longevity company which unites researchers from all over the world to track the longest-lived people

LongeviQuest is the global authority on maximum human longevity. The LongeviQuest Directory is the premier database on the life and times of the world’s oldest people. We admire the strength and wisdom of the people we research, and we created this platform to share their stories. Our international organization has united expert age validators worldwide who previously worked apart. The LongeviQuest Global Validation Commission maintains validation standards and accredits researchers. Beyond that, LongeviQuest empowers local researchers who are best equipped to conduct research in accordance with conditions in their countries. In addition to the work of our own researchers, LongeviQuest recognizes research conducted by Accredited Partners, notably the European Supercentenarian Organisation (ESO).

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Details last updated 06-Jan-2024

LongeviQuest (LQ) News

What supercentenarians reveal about living beyond 110 years of age

What supercentenarians reveal about living beyond 110 years of age

Live Forever Club - 29-Sep-2024

Their survival might even be connected to the time of year they’re born or die

People at LongeviQuest (LQ)

Jimmy Lindberg

Scientific Advisor for LongeviQuest

Ben Meyers

Founder and Chief Executive Officer at LongeviQuest