Top 5 Longevity Non-Fiction Books
There have been some great books recently on longevity, covering everything from the advances in ageing research, the growth of investments in the longevity industry, and plenty of tips on how to improve your own longevity to increase your healthspan and lifespan.
We've picked 5 of the best below - though these will likely change over time, so make sure you've registered for the club's newsletter to hear about when we review new books and update this list.
Ageless by Andrew Steele
Andrew Steele explores the science of ageing and the emerging research on how we might slow down or even reverse the ageing process. Steele examines the biological mechanisms behind ageing, such as cellular damage, inflammation, and genetic factors, while highlighting promising medical advancements, including senolytics, gene therapies, and lifestyle interventions. He argues that treating ageing itself—rather than just age-related diseases—could dramatically extend healthy lifespans, transforming medicine and society.
Why we die by Venki Ramakrishnan
If you're looking for an indepth introduction to longevity research, which isn't just the usual healthy lifestyle tips, then this could be it. The Nobel Prize-winning author gives a brief and interesting history to each subject area, to help the reader understand where today's knowledge comes from, before providing a more detailed discussion of our current questions and challenges.
The Case Against Death by Ingemar Patrick Linden
The book delves into some heavyweight philosophy, most of which isn't considered by the average person, however, it is generally at the right level for the average reader to understand. It provides many counter arguments to the, often, immediate and irrational defence of death, which will need to be highlighted regularly to persuade the general public that even if the cure for ageing has not yet arrived it is still worth supporting.
The Longevity Imperative by Andrew Scott
From the economist that published research with David Sinclair estimating a year of healthy lifespan extension is worth 4% GDP for a country, this book is more aimed at the impacts of life extension on your personal finances, which prompts you to start considering what impact longer lives will have on us financially, and therefore how our careers and retirement planning could change.
The Science and Technology of Growing Young – Sergey Young
An inspiring and accessible look at the cutting-edge advancements shaping the future of longevity. Blending scientific insight with a hopeful vision, Young explores breakthroughs in biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and regenerative medicine that could extend human lifespans and improve overall health. He presents complex ideas in an engaging and optimistic way, making the book both informative and motivating.
If you want to know where it all started (or, at least, got serious) then Aubrey de Grey's Ending Aging is still an interesting read as the challenges are still the same, even if the approaches currently being developed aren't all that were imagined at the time.
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The Science of Living Longer
A Comprehensive Guide to longevity written by Dr Rer Nat Thomas Spaeter
The Future Loves You
Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston writing about that we'll one day be able to abolish death
Longevity Guidebook
A guide How to Slow, Stop, and Reverse Aging and NOT Die from Something Stupid, written by Peter Diamandis
Grave Talk
A bitter sweet comedy about dealing with loss, and what comes next, written by nick Spalding
The Singularity Is Nearer
Ray Kurzweil explores how technology will refashion the human race in the decades to come
The Laws of Connection
The Scientific Secrets of Building a Strong Social Network, a book written by David Robson
Why We Die
The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality, a book written by Venki Ramakrishnan
The Longevity Imperative
How to Build a Healthier and More Productive Society to Support Our Longer Lives, written by Andrew Scott
This Book May Save Your Life
Everyday Health Hacks to Worry Less and Live Better, a book written by Karan Rajan
How Not to Age
Book by Dr. Michael Greger unveils evidence-based science to slow the effects of ageing
How We Age: The Science of Longevity
Book written by Coleen Murphy about recent breakthroughs in longevity research offer clues about human aging
A City on Mars
Book about the space settlement movement and the ideas within written by Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
The Age of Scientific Wellness
Why the Future of Medicine Is Personalized, Predictive, Data-Rich, and in Your Hands, written by Leroy Hood and Nathan Price
Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity
Book about longer and healthier life written by Peter Attia
We Are Electric
Inside the 200-Year Hunt for Our Body's Bioelectric Code, and What the Future Holds, written by Sally Adee
The Miracle of Aging and Longevity
The Energy Roadmap to Transition and Embrace Midlife for Women and Men, written by Maria Ian
The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human
Story of how scientists discovered cells, written by Siddhartha Mukherjee, an Indian-born American physician and oncologist
A Silent Fire: The Story of Inflammation, Diet, and Disease
A riveting investigation of inflammation written by gastroenterologist Shilpa Ravella
The Great Age Reboot
A book about cracking the longevity code for a younger tomorrow, written by Michael Roizen