Life Extension books
30+ matching books found
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The Future Loves You
Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston writing about that we'll one day be able to abolish death
Longevity Guidebook
A guide How to Slow, Stop, and Reverse Aging and NOT Die from Something Stupid, written by Peter Diamandis
Grave Talk
A bitter sweet comedy about dealing with loss, and what comes next, written by nick Spalding
Why We Die
The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality, a book written by Venki Ramakrishnan
The Longevity Imperative
How to Build a Healthier and More Productive Society to Support Our Longer Lives, written by Andrew Scott
This Book May Save Your Life
Everyday Health Hacks to Worry Less and Live Better, a book written by Karan Rajan
How We Age: The Science of Longevity
Book written by Coleen Murphy about recent breakthroughs in longevity research offer clues about human aging
We Are Electric
Inside the 200-Year Hunt for Our Body's Bioelectric Code, and What the Future Holds, written by Sally Adee
The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human
Story of how scientists discovered cells, written by Siddhartha Mukherjee, an Indian-born American physician and oncologist
A Silent Fire: The Story of Inflammation, Diet, and Disease
A riveting investigation of inflammation written by gastroenterologist Shilpa Ravella
The Great Age Reboot
A book about cracking the longevity code for a younger tomorrow, written by Michael Roizen
Methuselah’s Zoo
What Nature Can Teach Us about Living Longer, Healthier Lives, a book written by Steven N. Austad
Jellyfish Age Backwards: Nature’s Secrets to Longevity
Book about longevity and how animals and plants reached immortality written by Nicklas Brendborg
True Age: Cutting-Edge Research to Help Turn Back the Clock
Review and key points from Morgan Levine's book about determining and decreasing your true biological age
Biomarkers of Human Longevity
by Dmitry Kaminskiy. Data Science for Accelerating Aging Research and R&D The Critical Catalyst for Practical Human Longevity Tangible Investment Decision Making
The Illusion of Knowledge
By Harold Katcher - the paradigm shift in aging research that shows the way to human rejuvenation
The Secret Body: The Life-changing New Science of Human Biology
Book about human biology and the scientific breakthroughs written by Daniel M. Davis
The Lonely Century
How to Restore Human Connection in a World That's Pulling Apart, a book written by Noreena Hertz
Ageless: The New Science of Getting Older Without Getting Old
Andrew Steele explains in his book what is happening as we age and practical ways we can help slow down the process