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Walking 10,000 steps a day is not the ideal goal for better health and longevity, study finds

Age-old 10,000 steps goal is a bogus; health benefits levelled of at 8000 steps for older adults


Key points from article :

The 10,000-steps-a-day mantra grew out of a decades-old marketing campaign.

A meta-analysis involving nearly 50,000 people identified the number of daily walking steps that will improve health and longevity.

Risk of premature death stabilize at 6000-8000 steps per day for adults 60 years and older.

For adults younger than 60, risk of premature death stabilize at 8,000-10,000 steps per day.

Getting your steps, regardless of pace, was linked to a lower risk of death.

40-53% lower risk of death in highly active participants (5800 steps; 7800 steps; 10,900 steps) than those who walked 3500 steps.

Physical Activity Guidelines recommends at least 150min of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity each week.

“Steps are very simple to track,” - Amanda Paluch, physical activity epidemiologist.

“Moving even a little more is beneficial, particularly for those who are doing very little activity,” - Paluch.

Study by University of Massachusetts Amherst published in Lancet Public Health.

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Amanda Paluch

Physical activity epidemiology, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology at University of Massachusetts

The Lancet Public Health

Journal providing information on public health research.

Topics mentioned on this page:
Exercise, Healthy Ageing