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Swap refined grains with whole grains to lower your risk of heart disease

Whole grains help you maintain/lose weight, and keep blood pressure & sugar levels in check


Key points from article :

Researchers found an association between consuming whole grains and improved measures of risk factors for CVD.

Used data from the Framingham Offspring Cohort study (sample size, 3,121 people).

Participants who consumed the most whole grains only averaged a 0.5-inch increase in their waist circumference.

Those who consumed the least amount of whole grains averaged a 1-inch increase.

“People who eat more whole grains are able to maintain their blood sugar and blood pressure, which may help to protect against heart disease,” - Nicola McKeown, corresponding study author.

“Presence of dietary fiber in whole grains can have a satiating effect," - Caleigh Sawicki, co-author.

"Magnesium, potassium, and antioxidants may lower blood pressure. Soluble fiber may have a beneficial effect on post-meal blood sugar spikes,” - Caleigh.

Current US recommendation is to make half of your grain intake whole grain (three or more servings per day).

Study by Tufts University published in Journal of Nutrition.

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Caleigh Sawicki

Research associate at Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University

Nicola McKeown

Scientist I at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University

The Journal of Nutrition (JN)

Scientific journal published by the American Society for Nutrition.

Tufts University

Public Research university.

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Fibre and Whole Grains, Heart Disease