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From cryonic baths to ozone saunas, to the search of magic pill

In 2018 consumers spent $43 billion on anti-ageing products according to Orbis analysis


Key points from article :

Nicotinamide riboside causes older mice to look and act younger, reduces age-related diseases.

Alexey Samykin created cryogenic containers which right now contain frozen bodies, located in Moscow.

UK Biobank stores 500,000 samples of DNA for 30 years for genomics study.

Skorpion Medical prints off unique orthopaedic and orthodontic implants.

Cryo-saunas intention is to accelerate the metabolism, strengthen the immune system, slow tissue ageing.

Ozone Sauna may have anti-ageing properties by reducing free radicals in cell mitochondria.

Core research at the Leibniz-Fritz Lipmann Institute focuses on the ageing of stem cells.

Mentioned in this article:

Click on resource name for more details.

Alexey Samykin

Technology Project Manager, Speaker


Company focused on the research and development of mitochondria based therapeutics.

Cryomed Japan

Health and beauty shop in Tokyo, Japan.

Elysium Health

A company focused on research and development based on new scientific findings

Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)

Leibniz Institute for Age Research.


Steam Wellness Sauna.

Kenneth Wilson

Postdoctoral Researcher at Buck Institute for Research on Aging.


First and only cryonics company in Eurasia

Orbis Research

Top-Quality Market Research Related Study Reports.

Skorpion Engineering

Rapid Prototyping, Rapid manufacturing, Design & Co-Design, Finishes & Services.

UK BioBank

UK Biobank is a national and international health resource registered as a charity in Scotland

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Fountains of Youth, Mitochondria
From cryonic baths to ozone saunas, to the search of magic pill