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Skorpion Engineering

Rapid Prototyping, Rapid manufacturing, Design & Co-Design, Finishes & Services.

Skorpion Engineering was founded in the 2000s and has been a pioneer of additive technologies especially for the automotive sector, the first industrial sector to have understood the enormous advantages of rapid prototyping. Through a modular and flexible structure the company offers a project management service for all phases of new product development combining the most innovative manufacturing additive techniques with the traditional rapid prototyping technologies.

Thanks to a consolidated experience in the design and production of prototypes and pre-series for the most exclusive car manufacturers, today Skorpion Engineering produces prototypes of excellence for all the companies that have discovered the advantages of rapid prototyping from the medical, fashion, industrial sector to jewelry.

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Details last updated 10-Sep-2020

Skorpion Engineering News

From cryonic baths to ozone saunas, to the search of magic pill

Wired - 10-Sep-2019

In 2018 consumers spent $43 billion on anti-ageing products according to Orbis analysis

Topics mentioned on this page:
3D Printing (Healthcare), Regenerative Medicine