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News provider covering technology, startups and venture capital funding

TechCrunch, founded on June 11, 2005, is a news website dedicated to the tech scene. We provide breaking technology news, opinions, and analysis on tech companies from around the world. From publicly traded tech companies to emerging startups and venture capital funding rounds, TechCrunch is your number one guide for all things technology.

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Details last updated 04-Feb-2019

People at TechCrunch

Kyle Wiggers

A senior reporter at TechCrunch

Steve O’Hear

Technology journalist at TechCrunch

Rita Liao

Asia writer for TechCrunch

Paul Sawers

Senior writer at TechCrunch

Connie Loizos

SV Editor at TechCrunch, Founder of StrictlyVC

Devin Coldewey

Writer at TechCrunch

Christine Hall

Reporter at TechCrunch

Mike Butcher

Editor-at-large of TechCrunch

Ingrid Lunden

News editor and writer at TechCrunch