Longevity Nation 2024
Conference Enhancing Research, Development and Education for Healthy Longevity organized by Vetek Association (Tel Aviv, Israel)
This conference will explore the interdisciplinary interrelations of science, technology and society in addressing the challenges of population aging. By bringing together leading voices in the longevity space and public figures, the Longevity Nation conference will strongly contribute to increasing the synergy of science, technology and aging society, and help advance ethical scientific and technological solutions for healthy longevity for the benefit of the entire society. Building on Israel’s strengths in this area, this conference will help build the supportive longevity ecosystem in Israel, boost the prominence of the field in Israel and enhance Israel’s international standing and cooperation in the Longevity Field. It will help build up longevity R&D and Education support programs, for stakeholders in Israel and international collaborators.
Speakers at this conference are:
- Alex Fridman
- Amnon Albeck
- Anzhela B. Kozhokaru
- Arseniy Trukhanov
- Aubrey de Grey
- Avi Domb
- Björn Schumacher
- Daniel Zvi Bar
- Dmitry Kaminskiy
- Enrico Mairov
- Evelyne Bischof
- Fiona Miller
- Flavio Cabitza
- Gil Atzmon
- Gila Gamliel
- Guy Leitersdorf
- Haim Cohen
- Hanan Tal
- Ilia Stambler
- Ira Sobel
- Ishay Attar
- Jose Luis Cordeiro
- Kunlin Jin
- Lynne Cox
- Maria Cavinato
- Mario Krause
- Marios Kyriazis
- Myriam Grunewald
- Natalie Yivgi-Ohana
- Natasha Vita-More
- Nir Barzilai
- Noah Efron
- Omri Amirav-Drory
- Richard Faragher
- Robert Chunhua Zhao
- S. Jay Olshansky
- Shai Efrati
- Shai Shen-Orr
- Shimon Meshi
- Sivan Henis-Korenblit
- Stathis Gonos
- Stephanie Lederman
- Steve Horvath
- Susan Greenfield
- Uri Alon
- Valery Krizhanovsky
- Vittorio Calabrese
- Yael Benvenisti
- Yaky Yanay
Visit website: https://longevitynation.org/#2024
See alsoIsraeli Longevity Alliance (ISRLA)
Society that promotes research into the biology of aging and its health and lifespan implications
Details last updated 06-Feb-2024
Interested in more events? View the club's event calendar.
Mentioned in this Resource
Arseniy Trukhanov
President of the European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM)
Evelyne Bischof
Longevity physician at Human Longevity, Inc. and Associate professor at Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences
Ilia Stambler
Researcher at Bar Ilan University, Chief Science Officer at Vetek (Seniority) - the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel)
Mario Krause
Member of the Board of Directors of the European Society of Preventive , Regenerative and Anti Aging Medicine ESAAM
Myriam Grunewald
Associated Researcher at the Hebrew University and Head of the Hadassah Organoid Center