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Health Optimisation Summit 2024

Event about health optimisation organized by London Health Optimisation Biohacker Social Circle (London, UK)

15-Jun-2024 to 15-Jun-2024

The health industry has become a sickness industry. More people are chronically ill and on medications than in the history of mankind. There’s as much misinformation as there are pills for every ill, and new health ‘celebrities’, treatments, conferences, and diets have been appearing like never before. While there are some stunning successes, generally they can be very focal, disjointed, and not tackling the issue from a high enough level. It’s time to centralise, join forces, and break down barriers with The Health Optimisation Summit. 

This isn’t just a UK first, it’s a world first. We’re curating the best from all the key diets, and everything in the health, wellbeing, medical, nutrition, biohacking and fitness worlds, with the view not to push one mindset, but  to incorporate them all with the sole goal of making people healthier – using whichever mindset or 'diet' is best for the individual.

Our first summit in 2019 proved how powerful connecting the smartest minds in each of these worlds is – and how many people can live healthier, happier lives as a result. This is our shared goal. Not sickness care, but optimised health using all the best knowledge, data and people in this space, globally. 

Speakers at this event are:

  • Adam Parker
  • Amie Hornaman
  • Angela Foster
  • Anna Hunt
  • Anurag Singh
  • Barry Morguelan
  • Ben Greenfield
  • Caleb Applegate
  • Calley Means
  • Dominik Nischwitz
  • Gary Brecka
  • Gary Rhodes
  • Hagen Thiers
  • James Carroll
  • Jason Sonners
  • Jim Kwik
  • JJ Virgin
  • Jo Dalton
  • Johannes Weiss
  • Leslie Kenny
  • Martin Tobias
  • Matt Cook
  • Mike Mutzel
  • Mindy Pelz
  • Nasha Winters
  • Nathalie Niddam
  • Nichola Conlon
  • Niraj Naik
  • Patrick McKeown
  • Patrick Porter
  • Philipp Samor von Holtzendorff-Fehling
  • Sadia Khan
  • Stephanie Estima
  • Steven Gundry
  • Tim Gray
  • Zach Bush
  • Zorrie Dimitrova

Visit website:





See also: Institute London Health Optimisation Biohacker Social Circle - A place to bring all budding Health Optimisation Biohackers in London together and keep the social circle together in between meetups!

Details last updated 17-Sep-2023

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Mentioned in this Resource

Anurag Singh

Chief Medical Officer at Timeline

Barry Morguelan

Founder at Energy for Success.

Ben Greenfield

Biohacker, nutritionist, physiologist, fitness coach, competitive athlete and author

Dominik Nischwitz

World-leading Biological Dentist and Naturopathic Doctor, founder at DNA Health And Aesthetics.

James Carroll

Founder and CEO at THOR Photomedicine.

Jason Sonners

Clinic Director of NJ HBOT and HBOT USA and a Certified Hyperbaric Practitioner

Jim Kwik

CEO of Kwik Learning, Accelerated Learning Coach.

Johannes Weiss

Professional Speaker, Alternative Practitioner, Health and Wellness Industry Consulting

Leslie Kenny

CEO at Oxford Healthspan

Martin Tobias

Early stage tech investor and Founder at Incisive Ventures

Nichola Conlon

CEO of Nuchido with PhD in Physiology from Newcastle University

Patrick McKeown

Breathing Instructor and Author, founder of Oxygen Advantage.

Stephanie Estima

Founder of Hello Betty, expert in metabolism and female body composition and author

Steven Gundry

A regenerative medicine MD, author of bestseller Plant Paradox

Tim Gray

Founder & CEO at Health Optimisation Summit.

Zorrie Dimitrova

Chief Operating Officer at GlycanAge