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Zorrie Dimitrova

Chief Operating Officer at GlycanAge

As the COO of GlycanAge, Zorrie has a passion for health, wellness, and longevity that she brings to every facet of her work. An avid speaker on glycans, longevity, biohacking, and ageing well, Zorrie combines her deep business acumen with a unique healthcare insight to develop and implement effective operational and logistics models that streamline processes and cut costs. At the core of her commitment is enhancing the understanding and practical implementation of longevity and healthy ageing strategies, which she believes should be accessible to everyone.

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See also: Company GlycanAge - Glycan-based test to determine your biological age

Details last updated 10-May-2024

Zorrie Dimitrova is also referenced in the following:

Health Optimisation Summit 2024

15-Jun-2024 to 15-Jun-2024

Event about health optimisation organized by London Health Optimisation Biohacker Social Circle (London, UK)