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Living Forever


Key points from article :

Review of current thinking from the Massachusetts General Hospital - the largest teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School.

Experiments with model organisms have delayed age-related diseases by replenishing stem cells, protecting telomeres and cleaning out senescent cells.

Targeting Aging with Metformin (TAME) trial will study observed reduction in mortality using diabetes drug.

Rapamycin was shown to extend the lives of mice by roughly 10%.

Foods you find at the supermarket could tweak their products’ composition in ways that promote longevity.

Human life span also depends on lifestyle, relationships, environment, psychology and exercise.

The studies were published in the Science, PubMed Central and Cell journals.

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Scientific journal publishing research from many disciplines within the life sciences

Cynthia Kenyon

Calico’s vice president of aging research.

Daniela Jopp

Associate Professor at University of Lausanne.

Felipe Sierra

Director of the Division of Aging Biology at the National Institute on Aging

Leonard W. Poon

Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus in Gerontology, Psychology, and Public Health at University of Georgia.

Luigi Fontana

Professor at Washington University.

Manuel Serrano

Director, Institute for Research in Biomedicine

Nir Barzilai

Founding director of the Institute for Aging Research

PubMed Central (NCBI)

PubMed Central is a full text repository, which contains the full text of publications in the database

S. Jay Olshansky

Professor of Public Health at University of Illinois at Chicago.


Peer-reviewed academic online journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO)

Center for cancer research, including diagnosis and treatments

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