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Even small amounts of alcohol consumption raises death risk in China

Safe level of alcohol is none, as moderate drinking also increases risk of death from disease & cancer


Key points from article :

Alcohol consumption increases death risks in Chinese men, including cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and liver diseases.

Moderate drinking (1-2 drinks/day) doesn't protect against death, even from heart disease, as previously believed.

Researchers used genetic analysis to confirm alcohol causes these deaths, not other factors.

Utilized data from over 512,000 Chinese adults followed for 12 years.

One-third of men and 2% of women drank regularly, with men's deaths tracked through death records.

Genetic variations affecting alcohol tolerance helped clarify cause-and-effect relationships.

Higher alcohol intake meant higher death risks, with a dose-dependent effect.

This study emphasizes the need for stronger alcohol control policies in China.

Study led by Iona Millwood from Oxford Population Health and Peking University, published in The Lancet Public Health.

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Iona Millwood

Senior Epidemiologist and University research lecturer at University of Oxford.

Oxford Population Health

One of the largest medical science division in the University of Oxford

Peking University

Major research university in Beijing, China, and a member of the elite C9 League of Chinese Universities

The Lancet Public Health

Journal providing information on public health research.

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Even small amounts of alcohol consumption raises death risk in China