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University of Valencia

Public research university in Valencia, Spain.

The mission of the Universitat de València clearly sets out the raison d’être of the institution, according to the legal and statuesque framework. The strategic reflection process that has been undertaken to define the Strategic Plan of the Universitat de València 2008-2011 resulted in the definition of the Universitat’s mission.

We understand that this statement remains actively changing, although its achievement will require different objectives and approaches that focus on new challenges.

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Details last updated 01-Jan-2021

University of Valencia News

Can muscle strength predict longevity in the oldest old?

Can muscle strength predict longevity in the oldest old?

Live Forever Club - 08-Nov-2024

Mortality decreases gradually with increased strength, suggesting every strength gain counts

Extracellular vesicles from young stem cells have a rejuvenating effect in vitro and in vivo in mice

Extracellular vesicles from young stem cells have a rejuvenating effect in vitro and in vivo in mice (LEAF) - 08-Nov-2022

This approach did not kill the senescent cells instead, it was senomorphic

Frailty in old mice disappears with small extracellular vesicles from young mice stem cells

Frailty in old mice disappears with small extracellular vesicles from young mice stem cells

Fight Aging! - 09-Aug-2021

Molecular level benefits observed (inflammation, senescence) as well as physical ones

European Focus project aims to increase life expectancy in the EU by two years

European Focus project aims to increase life expectancy in the EU by two years

Medical Xpress - 13-May-2015

Goal is to create mechanisms to be ahead of vulnerability to illness, or even of death.

People at University of Valencia

Jose Vina

Professor in the Department of Physiology at the University of Valencia

Antonio Cano

Senior Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Valencia

Consuelo Borrás

Professor in Physiology, University of Valencia