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Treating aging as a disease with David Sinclair

Sergey Young and Sourav Sinha host an AMA with the Harvard professor


They will discuss:

  • The recent successful vision restoration in mice by turning back the clock on aged eye cells 
  • A concept that aging is “loss of information”—the ‘scratched CD’ analogy
  • The most promising longevity therapies that David has been working on

Summary of David Sinclair's Q&A

Q: Most exciting work in his lab?
Start monkey experiments later this year.
Hope to start first in human in 2 years time - in eyes.
Treat multiple organs in 10 years

Q: what other approaches coming up?
Preventative medicine and biotracking will help

Q: how was ageing reversed in mice?
OSK - works within 4 weeks
After 8 weeks, mice with glaucoma can now see.
We don't understand how cell knows what youthful structure of DNA (i.e. epigenome) was.

Q: next organs likely to be targeted?
Brain and eye are already being worked on.
Other teams working on internal organs and muscles.
Possibly hearing - isolated system with high unmet need.

Q: does each organ need a separate treatment?
Should be a universal treatment with tissue specific tweaks.

Q: worried that research could get into wrong hands?
No - but should be global monitoring for infectious agents as could put pro-ageing technology into a virus... but would be slow way to kill people!

Q: what would change if regulators categorised ageing as a disease
Order of magnitude increase in investment.
Could go after ageing, not specific age-related diseases.

Q: what can you do today?
In my book! He takes resveratrol 1g, NMN, eats only 1 meal a day, maintaining muscle mass.
Never being hungry is a 20th century phenomena.


Was criticised to use term "aging reversal" only 3-4 years ago - now its generally accepted as a concept.

Writing a new book about human survival. This is an area that the club also keeps an eye on:

Video available:

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See also

Sergey Young

Author and Longevity investor and visionary.

Details last updated 25-May-2021

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Mentioned in this Resource

David Sinclair

Harvard professor. Author of Lifespan.

Sergey Young

Author and Longevity investor and visionary.

Sourav Sinha

Venture Partner and Head of Innovation at Longevity Vision Fund

Topics mentioned on this page:
Ageing Research, How To Live Forever