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Media company focussed on health, medicine, and scientific discovery

STAT delivers fast, deep, and tough-minded journalism about health, medicine, life sciences and the fast-moving business of making medicines. We take you inside academic labs, biotech boardrooms, and political backrooms. We cast a critical eye on scientific discoveries, scrutinize corporate strategies, and chronicle roiling battles for talent, money, and market share. We examine controversies and puncture hype. With an award-winning newsroom, STAT gives you indispensable insights and exclusive stories on the technologies, personalities, power brokers, and political forces driving massive changes in the life science industry — and a revolution in human health

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People at STAT

Theresa Gaffney

Multimedia producer at STAT

Adam Feuerstein

Senior Writer at stat news


IBM stopped the sales of Drug-Discovering Watson AI

Futurism - 19-Apr-2019

Powerful technology in the healthcare field must improve patients’ health