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Vision loss due to age & glaucoma reversed in mice

David Sinclair says findings are 'transformative for the care of age-related vision diseases'


Key points from article :

Vision in mice restored by turning back the clock on aged retinal cells for a youthful gene function.

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) was used to deliver 3 gene (Oct4, Sox2 and Klf4) in mice retina.

The 3 genes along with a 4th one (not used in this work) are youth restoring - called Yamanaka factors.

Whole-body treatment of mice with the three-gene approach showed no negative side effects.

Promoted nerve regeneration in mice with damaged optic nerve & reversed vision loss in animals with glaucoma.

Also reversed vision loss in ageing animals without glaucoma.

First successful attempt to reverse glaucoma-induced vision loss, rather than merely stem its progression.

"..Possible to safely reverse the age of complex tissues such as the retina and restore its youthful biological function," - David Sinclair, HMS.

Could pave the way for therapies to promote tissue repair across various organs and reverse ageing.

Research by Harvard Medical School (HMS) published in Nature.

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David Sinclair

Harvard professor. Author of Lifespan.

Harvard Medical School

Graduate medical school of Harvard University


Scientific journal covering research from a variety of academic disciplines, mostly in science and technology

Topics mentioned on this page:
Vision (health), Rejuvenation