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Tracking sleep quality with tech brings more harm than good

Obsession to reach target sleep with sleep trackers can harm your productivity and mental health


Key points from article :

Do you suffer from orthosomnia, an unhealthy obsession with getting the right amount of healthy sleep each night?

It applies to people who are more than a little bit obsessed by what their sleep trackers are telling them.

Orthosomnia was first coined by Feinberg School of Medicine in a study published in the Journal Of Clinical Sleep Medicine.

With more and more people buying sleep trackers, patients whose quest for a better sleep led to sleep problems.

Ortho meaning correct and somnia meaning sleep.

A 27-year-old woman had difficulty sleeping was treated and seemed to improve.

The equipment had shown that she slept deeply, her response was, “Then why does my fitness tracker say I am sleeping poorly?”

Some people are desperately trying to hit their sleep targets. A bit like trying to do 10,000 steps a day.

If you try to do this with sleep, it can be counterproductive.

Best way of telling if you had a good night’s sleep is not the device on your wrist but whether you feel tired or not.

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Feinberg School of Medicine

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (JCSM)

Medical journal covering sleep medicine.

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