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Seeing your friends and family often can help you live longer

People who never have visitors are at a 39% higher risk of dying


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Frequent social interaction with friends and family can significantly extend lifespan.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Glasgow, involving over 450,000 people in the UK, revealed an association between social connections and longevity.

Regular visits from loved ones were found to have the most significant impact on longevity.

Individuals with frequent visits from friends and family had a 39% lower risk of death during the study period.

Even those who didn't live alone but never received visits from friends or family had a 25% greater risk of death.

Nurturing social connections is crucial for overall health and longevity, as highlighted by this study.

Findings of the study published in BMC Medicine.

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BMC Medicine

Scientific Journal providing information from all areas of medicine

University of Glasgow

Public research university for UK and international students

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Seeing your friends and family often can help you live longer