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How your blood may predict your future health


Key points from article :

Can predict life expectancy with reasonable accuracy based on diet, exercise, smoking and alcohol habits.

Analysis focused on measuring fibrinogen and C-reactive protein (CRP).

These inflammation are the body’s response to infections, stress and other harmful stimuli.

Differences in the levels of CRP and fibrinogen between socioeconomic groups begin to show relatively early in life.

Blood samples were gathered from nearly 8,000 adults.

General lack of research focusing on people in midlife.

The study was published in the Scientific Reports journal.

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Apostolos Davillas

Lecturer in Health Economics at Norwich Medical School.

Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER)

Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex.

Meena Kumari

Professor of Biological and Social Epidemiology at Essex University and Honorary Professor at UCL.

Mel Bartley

Emeritus Professor of Medical Sociology at UCL.

Scientific Reports

Scientific Journal providing information from all areas of the natural sciences

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