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High-salt diet is bad for the immune system

As concluded by experiments done in mice and human volunteers


Key points from article :

A high-salt diet is not only bad for blood pressure, but also for the immune system.

Adults should only consume maximum of 5g of salt or ~1 level of teaspoon, WHO recommends.

"Excessive salt intake also significantly weakens an important arm of the immune system."

Mice fed a high-salt diet were found to suffer from much more severe bacterial infections.

Volunteers who consumed additional 6g of salt/day also showed pronounced glucocorticoid level.

This finding is unexpected, as some studies point in the opposite direction.

Infections with certain skin parasites heal significantly faster with high-salt diet.

Additional intake of sodium chloride works so well for some skin diseases.

"Our work therefore illustrates the limitations of experiments purely with cell cultures."

Research under the leadership of the University Hospital Bonn.

Published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

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Christian Kurts

German immunologist and nephrologist

Institute of Experimental Immunology (IEI)

Research Institute for Immunology

Katarzyna Jobin

Post-doctoral researcher

Robert Koch Institute (RKI)

Public health institute in Germany

Science Translational Medicine

Journal that publish papers with topics related to translational medicine

University of Bonn

International research based university.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health

Topics mentioned on this page:
Salt (dietary)