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University of Oxford

Collegiate research university and one of the world's leading universities

Oxford is a truly international university, bringing together the best and brightest minds from around the world. Our 13,000 staff and 22,000 students come from a wide range of backgrounds and over 140 countries and territories, making Oxford a diverse and dynamic place to work and study.

Ranked number one in the world in the 2021 Times Higher Education World Rankings, we are at the forefront of the full range of academic disciplines, including medical sciences; mathematical, physical and life sciences; humanities; and social sciences. As the oldest university in the English-speaking world, we have long traditions of scholarship, but we are also forward-looking, creative and cutting-edge. Oxford is one of Europe's most entrepreneurial universities: we rank first in the UK for university spin-outs, with more than 130 companies created to date. We are also recognised as leaders in support for social enterprise.

Oxford’s collegiate system lies at the heart of our success, giving academics and students the benefit of belonging to a large, internationally renowned institution and to an intimate, interdisciplinary academic community. Employers consistently report that Oxford graduates have excellent employability skills such as problem-solving, leadership and communication: 95 per cent of Oxford leavers are in employment or further study six months after graduating.

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Details last updated 10-Nov-2019

University of Oxford is also referenced in the following:


Knowledge exchange network aiming to improve health in old age

University of Oxford Blog Posts

Chocolate - an innocent pleasure

Chocolate - an innocent pleasure

Dark chocolate that retains flavonoids during manufacture could be good for your heart and mental health

University of Oxford Creations

Green Templeton College Human Welfare Conference 2021


Online event about healthy ageing and the opportunities of longevity organized by University of Oxford. (FREE)


AI-based ultrasound diagnostic support tool for coronary artery disease.

People at University of Oxford

Kieran Smith

Postdoctoral Researcher at OCDEM, University of Oxford

Aziz Aboobaker

Professor of Comparative and Functional Genomics at the University of Oxford

Sasi Senga

Neurosurgical Oncologist, Lecturer in Medicine, Author & Researcher at the University of Oxford

Frances Ashcroft

Professor in Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics at the University of Oxford

William Fleming

Research Fellow at the Wellbeing Research Centre at University of Oxford

Saul Newman

Demographer at the University of Oxford

Aleks Krotoski

Author of Untangling the Web, Broadcaster at BBC and The Guardian and Research Associate at the University of Oxford

Ira Milosevic

Associate professor and laboratory head at the Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford

Sandra Wachter

Professor of Technology and Regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford

Mark Middleton

Professor of Experimental Cancer Medicine at the University of Oxford

Sir Christopher Ball

Honorary Fellow at the University of Oxford

Denis Noble

British biologist and Emeritus Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology at the University of Oxford

Ghada Alsaleh

Principal Investigator at the University of Oxford

Katja Simon

Professor of Immunology at the Kennedy Institute for Rheumatology at the University of Oxford

Rebecca Kelly

DPhil Candidate in Population Health at the University of Oxford

Jemma C Hopewell

Professor of Precision Medicine and Epidemiology at Oxford Population Health and current co-chair of CARDIoGRAMplusC4D

Robin Jacoby

Emeritus Professor of Old Age Psychiatry and Author

Roger Goodman

British social scientist and academic, specialising in Japanese studies

Apostolos Tsiachristas

Associate Professor at University of Oxford

Hagan Bayley

Professor of Chemical Biology at the University of Oxford

University of Oxford News

New AI system can predict heart attacks up to 10 years in advance

The Guardian - 08-Jun-2024

System showed promising results in identifying high-risk individuals


Oxford university shuts down the Future of Humanity Institute

The Guardian - 19-Apr-2024

Elon Musk-backed institute collapses after leader's past remarks and long-termism's controversies


Blood protein analysis refines diabetes risk prediction and reveals potential drug targets

Oxford Population Health - 16-Apr-2024

Analyzing blood proteins can improve our ability to identify those at risk for diabetes


Widespread PSA screening for prostate cancer may cause more harm than good

Independent - 08-Apr-2024

Test offers minimal benefit but risks overtreating slow-growing cancers


Researchers develop blood tests for faster and easier dementia diagnosis

BBC - 04-Apr-2024

Large-scale trials aim to enable timely access to support and potential treatments


UK survey finds no mental health boost from workplace well-being initiatives

New Scientist - 10-Jan-2024

Research urged to shift focus to workload, hours, and management style


Blue zones: new data casts doubt on longevity hotspots

Slate - 29-Nov-2023

A Brit's skeptical take on Blue Zones and the search for eternal life


AI tool that analyses cardiac scans can predict heart attacks 10 years before

Independent - 13-Nov-2023

The tool presents a novel methodology for preventing heart diseases


Scientists 3D print brain tissue, paving the way for brain disorder treatments

Interesting Engineering - 04-Oct-2023

A personalised approach to healing the brain and restoring lost function


Oxford's OIA advances healthcare with their revolutionary platform, Algocyte - 13-Sep-2023

Algocyte integrates data for personalised precision medicine


Galleri blood test: a step closer to early cancer detection

BBC - 02-Jun-2023

Offers promising results in the detection, and original site, of over 50 types of cancer in major NHS study


Telomere length may have protective effects against dementia-provide a pathway for future research

Oxford Population Health - 22-Mar-2023

Associations between telomere length and endophenotypes could help treat neurodegenerative disease


UK life expectancy dropping relative to other countries

Sky News - 16-Mar-2023

Driven by income inequality and resulting larger fall in poorer groups


England and Wales see slight increase in life expectancy in 2021 - official figure to follow

BBC - 17-Oct-2022

Only 4 out of 31 countries studies have seen their period life expectancy recover since 2020


Excessive alcohol consumption may age you faster by accelerating your biological age

Interesting Engineering - 28-Jul-2022

Alcohol consumption causes telomere shortening, leading to several age-related diseases


Lab-made synthetic nerve transmits signal within a microsecond

Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) - 28-Apr-2022

Light-driven artificial nerve could one day be used for medical devices or implants to cure diseases


Eating just five portions of vegetables may not protect your heart

BBC - 21-Feb-2022

Researchers say balanced diet with healthy lifestyle helps reduce risk of many diseases


New blood test accurately detects cancer in patients with early symptoms

Guardian - 05-Jan-2022

Game changer in cancer treatment by improving early access to drugs and thereby survival rates


Processed meat increases the risk of dying from heart disease

Guardian - 21-Jul-2021

Impact stems from saturated fat and salt - no effect seen in poultry


A 3D-printed Third Thumb allows more functional activities with one hand

University College London (UCL) - 20-May-2021

Revolutionary wireless prosthetic thumb with effective adapatability in the brain


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