Longevity Cafe : Longevity Month update – drink and chat (Reading)
The club's Longevity Cafe Meetup group will be discussing the latest longevity news (FREE)
Join us for a discussion of all things longevity. Whether it’s the first time you’ve heard of rejuvenation, a scientist who can share your knowledge, or you have concerns over what life extension could mean to society – everyone is welcome!
Longevity Month has been organised since 2013 and incorporates Longevity Day on 1st October. As a member of the International Longevity Alliance (as a trustee personally, and the Live Forever Club as a federated organisation) this is a good time to give an update on progress in the longevity world over the last 12 months.
I’ll give an update on:
- Ageing research
- Rejuvenation treatments
- Investments
- Government policies
It’s not a formal presentation so questions are welcome throughout.
Then we can continue to discuss anything on your mind about the prospect of life extension.
Rough agenda:
7:30 arrival and networking
7:45 longevity update by Adrian Cull (founder of the Live Forever Club)
8:30 general longevity discussions and chat
9:30 close
Please book on Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/longevity-cafe/events/303915590/
Location: Reading, UK
Visit website: https://www.meetup.com/longevity-cafe/events/303915590/
See alsoDetails last updated 09-Oct-2024
Interested in more events? View the club's event calendar.
Mentioned in this Resource
International Longevity Alliance (ILA)
Facilitating faster development and implementation of life-extending technologies to ensure healthy longevity for all