Scientists uncover the secret behind cancer cell's immortality
Medical Xpress - 10-Sep-2018Doesn't seem to harm normal cells unlike telomerase blocking drugs that are too toxic
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Professor, Neurological Surgery at UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences
I am a Professor of Neurosurgery at UCSF and hold the Karen Osney Brownstein Endowed Chair in Neuro-oncology. I am the Director of the NIH-supported Training Program in Translational Brain Tumor Research at UCSF, and I recently served as the Director of the UCSF-based NIH Roadmap Epigenome Mapping Center. I am an Associate Member of the British Columbia Genome Sciences Centre. My laboratory is composed of molecular and computational biologists working alongside clinician-scientists. Our goal is to understand the full evolutionary history of human brain tumors, from the first mutation and epimutation through clonal selection and tumor recurrence. We use next-generation sequencing to discover patterns and interdependencies of genetic mutations, epigenetic alternations and gene expression.
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Public research university that is part of the University of California system and dedicated entirely to health science
Details last updated 19-Apr-2020
Doesn't seem to harm normal cells unlike telomerase blocking drugs that are too toxic