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Ending Age-Related Diseases 2022

Virtual Conference for Rejuvenation Biotechnology and Life Extension organized by Lifespan Extension Advocacy Foundation

11-Aug-2022 to 14-Aug-2022

On August 11-14, we will be meeting virtually to hear the latest developments from the leading experts.

This conference will bring together the leading experts in rejuvenation biotechnology and investment in order to foster scientific and business collaborations to develop rejuvenation therapies that target the root causes of aging.

In addition to bringing together the thought leaders of the rejuvenation biotechnology industry to foster scientific and business collaborations, we will provide interviews and panel discussions on related topics, such as the philosophy of life extension, the ethics of longevity journalism, and the relationship between rejuvenation biotechnology and blockchain technology. The conference will help you to deepen your understanding of what is going on in the aging research field.

Speakers at this conference are:

• Brian Kennedy

• George Church

• Irina Conboy

• Keith Comito

• Oliver Medvedik

• Sudhir Paul

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See also (LEAF)

Supporting the development of biotechnologies focused on ending age-related diseases

Details last updated 25-Feb-2022

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Mentioned in this Resource

Brian Kennedy

Prof of Biochemistry and Physiology at NUS, CSO Ponce De Leon Health

George Church

Harvard Professor and Founder

Irina Conboy

Professor of Bioengineering at Berkeley University of California.

Keith Comito

President at Life Extension Advocacy Foundation.

Oliver Medvedik

Director of The Maurice Kanbar Center for Biomedical Research and Vice President of LEAF.

Sudhir Paul

Co-founder and Chief Science Officer at Covalent Bioscience and professor at the University of Nebraska

Ending Age-Related Diseases 2022 is also referenced in the following:

Why Political Action Matters for Longevity - Dylan Livingston at Ending Age-Related Diseases 2022

Dylan Livingston of the Alliance for Longevity Initiatives explains why political longevity activism needs to exist (YouTube)

Topics mentioned on this page:
Ageing Research, Investments