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Colin Watts

CEO at Juvenescence Life.

Colin Watts wants to change how people view aging, highlighting the potential to experience the best years as one grows older. That vision is one important part of his personal agenda as the CEO of Juvenescence Life.

Watts has an extensive career in food, wellness and healthcare industries. He was CEO of The Vitamin Shoppe where he spearheaded a technology and customer-experience driven reinvention of the VSI business. VSI created a new retail store and online design centered on personalization and “wellness coaching” across a 785-store network as well as through online and mobile platforms.

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See also


Developing therapies against different aging related diseases.

Details last updated 17-Feb-2021

Colin Watts News

JuvLife Division raises 3.7 million euros for making antiaging product with Chrysea

JuvLife Division raises 3.7 million euros for making antiaging product with Chrysea

Longevity Technology - 13-Jun-2022

Metabolites induce autophagy, stimulate cellular regeneration for healthy ageing

Super summary of 3rd Annual Longevity Therapeutics Summit

Super summary of 3rd Annual Longevity Therapeutics Summit (LEAF) - 16-Feb-2021

More and more companies making greater and greater progress - 2021 could be an exciting year

Colin Watts is also referenced in the following:

Healthspan Show

10-May-2021 to 14-May-2021

Online event about longevity and wellness organized by Longevity Leaders (LSX) with many speakers included.